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Edward walked me back to my room, as promised. I was still trying to get over how awkward Alice had made the situation. I was still wearing Edward's cloths upon his demand. He refused to let me change back into the beer covered Alice outfit. I wanted to give him back his cloths, but he was determined to give me a reason to see him again, and I wasn't going to argue that point.

At my door I was unsure what to do. I didn't know if I should invite him in. I didn't know if I should give him a kiss or if I should shake his hand. I knew I shouldn't shake his hand, that was just silly.

I was about to have a panic attack when he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "I hope tomorrow won't be too soon to see you again."

"N-no, tomorrow would be fine." I was dumb founded. I didn't believe he had just kissed me on the cheek. As he walked away, I touched my cheek afraid that I was dreaming.

I found my key and stumbled with it for a moment. If I had not known for sure, I would have thought that I was drunk. Finally I got the key in the hole and pushed the door open. Since I had already showered I just brushed my teeth and slipped into bed. It may seem silly, but I wanted to sleep in his clothes. I didn't want to lose his smell just yet.

I was almost asleep when I heard a thump on the door followed by an "OW." I also heard a tinkling laugh that I knew belonged to Alice. The laughter was cut short. I heard goodnights, the door opening and then the light above me was so bright it was confusing.

"Bella! I have got to know everything. I want to know exactly what happened before and after I left. Are you going to see him again? Please tell me you are going to see him again. You have no idea how right you two looked when I came in earlier." Alice wasn't really waiting for answers. I wasn't even sure she had taken a breath since she came in. She was now bouncing on the edge of my bed, begging for information.

"Alice, breathe. I will get to your questions in a minute." Alice pouted, she hated to wait. "First tell me what all the commotion was in the hall."

Alice giggled. "Well, Jasper is like two feet taller than me. I was leaning against the door and he was leaning down to kiss me. He hit his head on the door before he reached my lips." There was a twinkle in Alice's eyes. She was falling for Jasper quickly. "Now answer my questions."

I had to giggle at the way her expression changed from dreamy to serious in less than a second. "Well after you ditched me at the door," I glared at her for a moment then went back to telling her about the night, "I saw Edward on the couch. I was going to go talk to him, but he was talking to this gorgeous blonde. They looked so happy together that I had to walk away."

Alice interrupted me before I could continue, "Jasper says Edward's not dating anyone." She started to think out lout, "Beautiful blonde...beautiful blonde...beautiful... Oh! I bet that's Rosalie."

"Rosalie?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's Jasper's twin sister." Alice said slowly, "Actually, if I remember correctly, she's dating Edward's brother Emmet."

I had to admit that this made me feel better. I didn't want to think of Edward as someone who had more than one girlfriend at a time. Although, I still couldn't figure out why he had any interest in me. "Well anyway. I was kind of upset by that. I went to the kitchen to get a drink. When I got the beer, I decided that I hadn't really wanted it in the first place. I was about to put it down when Edward spoke in my ear from behind. I dropped the beer and it spewed. I was soaked so Edward offered me a shower and clothes. He didn't want to go back to the party so I watched Indiana Jones with him. This leads to what you know. You coming in making me feel awkward and that's it." I finished my story slightly out of breath.

"You're lying," Alice appeared to have seen something in my face.

"About what?"

"That's not all that happened. Didn't he bring you back?"

"Well, yeah." This wasn't something I had particularly wanted to talk about. It seemed so magical, so unreal, I was afraid that if I said it out loud, I would discover I had been dreaming. My hand floated up to the cheek that his lips had touched. I wished for the feeling again. It was like an electric shock had been sent through my body.

A hand was being waved in front of my face. "Earth to Bella. Come in Bella. What is going on with you? You can't space out every time I ask you about Edward. I need details."

"Well," I decided not to tell her about the kiss, I was still unsure of its meaning. He could treat all of his friends who were girls like that. "He asked if he could see me again tomorrow." I looked at the clock. It was 2 a.m. Where had the night gone? "Well, I guess he wants to see me today."

"What are you two going to do?" Alice was bouncing with excitement.

"I don't know, Alice. He just asked if he could see me. Maybe we'll just go eat lunch or something."

"Or maybe," Alice had a scary look on her face. She was making plans and I didn't think I wanted to know where her brain was going. "Y'all will hook up, there will be an accidental pregnancy, then a shotgun wedding." I was right

"Alice, I don't even know if he likes me yet. Let's not think about nuptials yet."

Alice was shaking her head. "You didn't see the way he looked at you. He's obviously attracted to you. You should listen to me. I see great things in your future."

I rolled my eyes. Alice Brandon, the psychic. Yeah right. "Whatever you say, Alice. Now, can we get some sleep? It's been an eventful night."

Alice was still bouncing on the edge of my bed. "I can't, I'm too excited."

"Alice, where did you go?" I was afraid of the answer I might get.

"Starbucks," she was getting a little jittery.

Yup, not a good answer. "I'm going to have to talk to Jasper about you and caffeine. If he's going to give you coffee after noon, he's not bringing you back here."

"Why don't you just stay with Edward?"

Geez, she was really trying to get me into bed with him wasn't she? "Alice, I've only met the guy twice. Not gonna happen."

"Why not. You already look like you had sex with him."

"WHAT?" How could she possibly say that? "Mary Alice Brandon, you will tell me what you mean by that right now."

"Well you haven't bothered to change out of his clothes, your hair is a mess, and you smell like him."

Damn it, she was right. There had still been people at the party when Edward had taken me home. What did they think that we had been up to? I hoped I wasn't giving myself a new unwanted reputation. I bit my bottom lip.

"Relax, Bella." I tried, "Go to sleep, I'll write a report or something. That's sure to put me to sleep."

A giggle escaped my lips as Alice jumped from my bed to the light switch. I laid back on my bed and tried to find a calm. I let my hair fall in front of my face so the smell of his shampoo enveloped me. I drifted into hopeful dreams of a future with Edward.

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