Jasper's Birthday

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I opened my eyes slowly. My head was resting against something soft but firm. It rose and fell to a gentle rhythm. I lifted my head slightly to see Edward's face. He was asleep. I could see Jasper in the other double bed asleep as well. I needed to get him back to Alice, but I didn't want to wake Edward.

I breathed in the scent that was one-hundred percent Edward and wished for the moment to last forever. Unfortunately, Jasper's phone decided against it. "1-2-3-4" blared so loudly that I was sure that people in the rooms across the hall could hear it.

"Good morning, Alice."

I wanted to throw something at him. As if reading my mind, Edward took the pillow that I was supposed to be using and chunked it at him. He groaned as it missed.

"Let him talk to her, it's his birthday."

He groaned again and threw his arm over his eyes. "Dude, I forgot. Happy Birthday."

Jasper grinned at us before stepping out the sliding glass door to speak privately.

Edward took the hand the was resting on his chest and brushed light kisses across my knuckles. "We're going to have to head back soon. Especially if Jasper's wanting to spend some time with Alice on his birthday."

I nodded and reluctantly started to sit up, but his arm kept me firmly in place against his chest. "We are going to have to get out of bed, you know?"

He breathed deeply, "I'm not ready to let you up yet." He kissed my hair, "This feels so nice."

I had to agree, but I could think of a few things that would make it better. I turned my face so that I was looking into his eyes. My idea must have been written clearly on my face, because Edward leaned down and took possession of my lips. The kiss was slow and sweet. He seemed to be humming, and I could feel it vibrating all the way through my body. The arm around my waist tightened and pulled me up so that he didn't have to cane his neck so far.

I don't know how long we stayed that way. It was long enough for Jasper to come back in the room. "Emmett did warn me about your PDA."

Edward threw the last of our pillows at him, which he neatly dodged. "Is that what I get for my birthday?"

I sighed and pulled away from Edward. "Alice is going to kill me if we don't get you back to her soon."

He scratched the back of his head nervously, a strange action for Jasper. "She's gonna kill you anyway."

I glared at him. "What did you do?"

He shuffled his feet, "I just told her about last night. She's upset that you didn't tell her what was going on."

"Ugh, let's just get back so we can get this over with."

Jasper crossed his arms, "That's how we're going to act on my birthday."

I slid out of the bed and crossed the room to him. I stood up on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. "Happy Birthday, Jasper."

He smiled down at me, "Thanks Bella."

I smiled at him and went to get ready for the day.

We all met downstairs and ate the complementary breakfast. After that we were on our way. I tried very hard not to watch the road. I knew that we had a lot of time to make up since we spent the night in a hotel rather than driving. So I was willing to deal with his crazy driving. I settled for texting Alice throughout the drive. She was in the boys' apartment before we even crossed the state line. I had a feeling that I didn't want to know what she had planned for him. We reached their apartment by nightfall.

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