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-Phoenix pov-
The girl with the pastel pink hair begins to open her eyes. I get the urge to get up and run away but I fight the urge to do so. Unstead she sees me looking at her and I look quickly away. I feel someone crack their knuckles next to me as they sit down. "You know thats not healthy for you right." I say to her in a nice tone. She smiles and nods her head yes. "But its cute" I say in almost a whisper.

But she hears me and responds in almost the same volume as I did "thanks.." Ilook over at her and smile and she smiles back. She leans in close to me and I lean in close to her. So what is your name cutie I whisper in her ear. She giggles and leans in close to my ear.

Hey dumbass. I hear as I feel a heel go into my side. What do you want? I mumble. Get the hell up you are going to make us late she says kicking my side again. I think of saying something back to her buy of course I dont respond knowing Im already on her bad side. I get up as fast as I can and grab my bag that was next to me apparently. Then I try to think back to what happened in the past 30 minutes as I got into the backseat of the car. She begins to pick up our other friends as I continue to think. I finished packing... I left the house.. I went to the park... And then I saw the most beautiful girl. A small smile appears on my face. It soon diseapers though as im hit in the face with Tiffany's purse. Move bitch. I scooch over and look out the window and began to think about the girl with the pastel pink hair.

We get to Sarah's house and we all get out and head to her door. We do this because she is never ready when we get to her house. I get nervous going in this house though. As my "friends" burst into the house I am presented with the reason I am nervous. I stand nervously outside.
"Hey dumbass get the fuck in here." Jane yells. I do as she commanded me to with my head hanging low. "God why do we deal with her?" I hear her whisper to Tiffany but I act like I didn't hear her. I look up and I see Sarah's sister she is so cute and actually nice to me. She smiles back at me. My smile soon fades though when her boyfriend comes and grabs her by the waist and they kiss.
"Hey darling." Her boyfriend says, "nice scarf."
"Thanks," I smile. My phone dings and I look down at it. My heart drops and I look at Sarah's sister again she rolls her eyes and walks of holding her boyfriends hand. I thought she was different, I guess I was wrong. I look down and read the message once more before deleting it. "He dipshit he is nice to everyone flirt with my boyfriend again and you will regret it.
"Are you coming today?" Sarah asks spitting my face. I hurry up and follow them out the door the thought of her test still consuming my mind. I look out the window again except my mind to go to Sarah's sister but it goes straight to the girl with pastel pink hair.
"Fuck." Jane yells forcing me out of the thoughts. My heart skipped a beat thinking for a moment we were going to crash. Then I forgot  Jane just had road rage. It was just a kid turning into his driveway. It was a nice car though but not as nice as the one Jane was driving. I didn't say this before cause it wasn't (still isn't) important but Janes parents are very rich. She got to choose the car she wanted on her birthday and she choose a white Lamborghini. I mean I understand this choose but she didn't even take in consideration how much it would cost. If I would ever get offered a car I would make sure it definitely wasn't over $100,000. Also, I'm surprised Jane has never wrecked before, she is a pretty bad driver, even if she did she would just get a new one from her  dad. I can't even have a car until I move out. Cause that is Tom and Tris's (my parents) logic for some reason. House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots begins to play I start to hum along.
"What the fuck is this shit Sarah?" Jane practically screams at Sarah.
"I don't fucking know it's just on Spotify." She says annoyed unplugging her phone. "Shit" Jane yells again as she pulls in the driveway. "What is your problem?" Lisa says not even thinking of the consequences that she will be faced will. See that is the thing no one in this group is scared to speak up to one another except me. But also I am the least liked in this group so it makes senses how the show works. I still miss my old friends, we all had opinions but we never really had to yell at one another.
"I forgot my phone." Jane says with a sigh. "I'm sorry guys." She says with a sigh. "I've been have a really shit time lately, I don't mean to annoy you guys. Sorry if I seem like a bitch. Phoenix," my heart stops for a moment, I'm done for, " I'm especially sorry to you I have been so mean to you." I am shocked, does she actually care and feel bad? That's when I see a tear fall down her cheek. She has emotion? I questioned in my brain. I know that sounds mean but she is a really mean person so I guess it genuinely surprised me. That's when the tears really began to flow as Lisa rubbed her back. "I'm s-s-soo sorry plzzz. Pllzzz forgive me." She looks up at me as she is bursting into tears. " I want us all to be best friends and not just my social status. So Phoenix please forgive me? And be my best friend?" I opened my mouth to answer but she gets out of the car and opens my car door. She looks into my eyes. "And you can be gay, you can tell us not to bully, you can be honest to us. I don't care if you don't have a lot of money. I don't care that you have a love reading. I don't care what kind of music you listen to, it doesn't make you emo. Hell I don't care if you are emo. I just want a best friend. I know I have been shitty to you and a total asshole. But please, please give me one more chance." I was in total shock I didn't know what to say. I just stared at her for about what felt like forever. Finally I began to open my mouth but she backs up with her tears streaming ago. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She whispers and goes to get to her knees to beg. But I lift her up and lift up her chin to look into her eyes. "I forgive you. Let's be friends. I just need you to be nicer. Don't change who you are, just stop pretending to be someone else." She smiles. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." We hold this embrace for a few seconds. She pulls away and looks at the other girls in disappointment. "Do you guys have anything to say to Phoenix?" They all get out of the car and apologize to me asking for my forgiveness. I pull them all into a hug and murmur the words "Of course, lets be best friend." We let go off the hug. "Now lets go get your phone and have the best time at the mall." I say with a smile shoving Jane playfully. "Shotgun." I yells as the other girls laugh and get into the car. We drive for about 10 minutes.
She looks over at me, I look back a her. "I'm so glad I can finally call you my best friend." Were the last words she says to me. "Me to." Were the last words I said to her. Then there was a loud screeches and I see Jane with her body through the windshield. My only thought at that moment was, she should have worn her seatbelt

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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