The Girl With The Pastel Pink Hair

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-Phoenix pov-
I look at the time; the bell was to ring in ten minutes. It always feels like the longest time of my life. Finally ten minutes go by and the bell goes off. I rush to my locker and put my stuff in it. I try and rush out the door but before I can, their they are. My friends are shoving this girl into her locker. I look at her, she is definitely attractive. I've always been attracted to outcasts, they are just so adorable and unique. She looks back over at me and I stare at my feet. I want to help her I really do but, I can't. I know you probably think I'm a cold hearted person and well I probably am but I just don't wanna get bullied to. Ehh that sounds so selfish.

I wave to my friends. They have always told me I should join them, I'm glad I never took them up in that offer. Honestly it took a lot for me to tell them I wasn't gonna help and surprisingly they didn't ditch me after that. They did say if I tried to stop them they would ditch me. I promise them I would never try and make them stop and here we are. I walk out of the school door honestly happy to get out of the school even given my circumstances away from school. I couldn't take it anymore. My friends were bullies they were so mean to everyone who wasn't their friends pretty much. I only became their friend because they are popular and they made fun of my best friend. So instead of being their for my best friend I left her and the rest of my friends. I was so stupid and I regret it but I was pretty sure they were gonna pick on me next. I sure do miss them but soon after I left them they moved school anyway. After they moved I didn't feel as bad, I still miss them though, because we probably would have split up when they moved. I still wish things would have been different. I've always wondered why they all moved just as I joined the popular kids. I mean none of them are related and they all had solid families. So why did they all move within the same weekend? I don't think I'll ever know that answer. I've thought about talking to them but I always back out of it because it feels wrong. Like I abandoned them, I can't just come back into their lives. Even when it's the best thing that would happen in life. I'm also scared of hurting them again and I know things would never be the same, no matter what.

I mean don't get me wrong I love, at least strongly like, my friends it's just they are mean very mean. Maybe I'm just as bad though. I don't try and stop them and I definitely don't help the person who was bullied. Sometimes I wish I did but then I think of how they could easily bully me to.

*Ding* I love at my phone eh, just another Snapchat from a random guy. It actually gets really annoying. Yet, what is worse is I fed into guys texting me. I pretend to like guys and to date them all so my friends won't find out that I'm attracted to girls. They always have said they hope none of our friends turn out lesbian because they would hate to lose a friend.

I look at my phone again and realize what day it was, I sigh. It was Friday again, I hate Friday. I know I should be happy most normal kids are but, I hate the weekend. The weekend gives my parents a longer time to hurt me. *Ding* huh. I reach in my pocket and pull out my phone.

Jane- Plans 2nite pickin u up at 7.

Suddenly my whole weekend got a whole lot better. Yeah I don't have the greatest friends but they are way better than my family. So I rush home to go pack a bag for tonight. I don't bother to stop and tell my parents where I'm going because they won't care. They will most likely be happy I'm gonna be gone so I don't wanna give them the satisfaction of hurting me again. I began to pack just my essential stuff and of course makeup because Sarah, Jane's best friend, says I need it.

I hurry up and rush out of the house even though it is only 5 pm. I just didn't want to see my family so I rushed to the park that I sit at to think. I sit at my normal spot on a rock after 20 minutes of walking. I open up my book and proceed to get lost in it. I see a flash of pink out of the corner of my eye. It draws my attention away from my book, which usually doesn't happen.

That's when I see her. All I see is true beauty. I see her glowing smile and her paper white sparkly teeth. The way her eyes were closed and how she looked so happy when she was just laying their with eye buds in her ears. She was wearing a Muse sweatshirt and I love them, of course I would never vocally say that. She had on skinny tight jeans that looked beautiful on her. She looked as though she was self conscious by how she was curled up yet, I don't know why such a beautiful girl would be. Yet she was even cuter cuddled up.

Her arms were so tiny though and her body was drowning in what I bet was a small sweatshirt. She was so beautiful but she was to thin. I began to worry about her. I began to worry about a total stranger I just met, I actually didn't even met her. I just saw her and already began to worry. Maybe she was homeless, maybe she was poor, maybe her parent didn't fed her, maybe.... My mind began to race as a million ideas rushed into my head of what could be wrong.

I notice her beautiful blue eyes began to open. I don't know what to do, I can't be caught staring at her so I grab my book and I run. I run as fast and as far as my fat legs will let me until I look up and see my house. I sigh and hope to god that the beautiful angel didn't see me staring at her or see me running. My face begins to go red as I think of her seeing me and my embarrassment increases until I meet darkness and the cold hard ground.

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