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-Alex pov-
I run as fast as I can to catch up with her I can't let my one love get away. I know I just met her but I have never seen someone so beautiful and perfect in every way. I catch up to her and spin her around and I close the space between our lips. I pull back but she pulls me back in and connects our lips again. We pull our lips apart and I look up and see her parents. I see her father's hand go towards my face as my smile grows wider just waiting for the contact.

I hear a sniffle beside me. Really? Someone just had to go and ruin my daydream. Eh I really do hate the real world. Yet, I shouldn't be mad at this person gosh I am so selfish. Why am I such a terrible person? I need to put others needs over mine gosh, what is up with me lately. I know I should live in the real world, daydreams are fun and all but I guess I should probably live my really life; even when it sucks. I really don't wanna get up though, I really don't. I know have to go shopping tonight like who does that on a Friday night? I guess maybe normal children, I've just never been one of those. Like shopping is fun because I mean you get new stuff but, is that really how I should spend the night? I don't know, I would rather just sit here and daydream but yet I know I can't do that. Anyway my best friends wants me to go so I guess I'll go. I wish I was his best friend as well. I've always wanted a best friend who I was also their best friend, but I guess we get what we get. God, why am I complaining so much today. I mental slap myself and proceed to open my eyes.

As I open my eyes I notice their was no one around. So who sniffled huh, maybe maybe it was just an animal. Then I proceed to laugh at my own joke causing many concerned looks to come my way. My face turns red and I take out my earbuds. I slip the earbuds into my bag and sling it over my shoulder.

I begin my walk to my house as I think back to what was gonna happen in my daydream. My smile widens and I quicken my pace to my house. I hurry up and pack my stuff because, it's 6:10 and Jay, my best friend, is picking me up at 7. I glance at the clock after I finish packing it reads, 6:26. Well that went faster than I intended it to. Oh well, that's a good thing. I walk downstairs I walk towards the door.

"Hey hon", my dad said sweetly,"where are you going?"

"I'm going to hang out with Jay dad and I probably won't be home till Sunday." I whisper talk, scared of what my father is capable of.

"Okay have fun." I walk towards the door and grab the handle. "Hey hon", I freeze "Text me so I know your safe." I let out the breathe I didn't know I was holding and leave the house. I make sure not to slam the door and set of my dad. I sit outside for another half hour until Jay arrives. I hope into the backseat.

"Do I have germs?" Ha asks.

I giggle, "no, I mean I don't think so. Do you?"

"No," he chuckles "I'm just saying you can sit up here with me."

"So then stop the car." I laugh.

"Just hope over the console."

"I'm to fat for that," he gives me a disappointing look, "sorry." He gets made when I insult myself and he is trying to get me to be more self confident. I don't think that will ever happen but you know it's nice he's trying. I climb over the console and surprisingly I don't break anything or even more the car. I almost fall though when he stops at a red light and we both fall into a laughing fit. I slip on my seat belt and we both finally stop laughing. That's when it gets awkward. He puts his hand on my thigh but just for a moment. Yet, I soon as I does that I have flashback to last Thursday and my head begins to freak out.

"You okay?" He asks concerned spread across his face.

"Yeah sorry, I was just thinking." I lied through gritted teeth. I tell Jay most of my problems and pretty much all about my life but their is one thing I haven't told him. I haven't told anyone about it. I have to keep it a secret or it will get bad. Even worse then it already is. I arrive at Jays house and I give him a weird look.

"I was gonna let you drop your stuff hurt to be safe." He explains reading my look. I shake my head and head into his house. I toss my stuff into his bed and shut his bedroom door. I walk into his bathroom before I actually piss myself. I see a razor in his shower on a shelf. My body fills with shivers as my mind proceeds to try and shiver up.

"Hurry up. Other people may have to pee as well you know." He says jokingly. He doesn't know how much he just saved me from myself. He just saved me from my mind for now. I open the door and smile at Jay who is standing their. The best thing about Jay is he understands how much I dislike talking and he is really good at reading my face. So I feel like I don't have to talk around him, which I hate talking anyway. Sometimes I wish that I was born mute. I know that sounds dumb and I am not saying mute people are lucky; they definitely aren't lucky. I just wish I could be mute instead of someone else out their who doesn't like being mute.

"You okay." Jay says bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, come on," I playfully hit him, "let's go Jessabelle." His face goes red as I turn around to run into the living room. I reach the living room as he wrestles me to the ground. He begins to tickle me, even when he knows I hate being tickled. I begin to laugh then he stops and his face goes red. I realize the position we are in and begin to blush as well. As almost on cue, he gets up of me and fixes his now messed up shirts.

"I'll race you to the car." He yells running as I try to get up on my feet and run after him. We both sit in the car.

"That wasn't fair," I complain. "I was still on the floor when you began running." I give him a pouting face. He chuckles and starts the car and drives off.

I'm gonna tell him I think. I'm gonna tell him. Or should I? I don't know. I've never told anyone and this feels as though it's the right time. He will probably hate you. He definitely will. No one will ever accept you for....

"Hey Jay. Can we talk?" I say interrupting them. "It's kinda serious."

He turns down the radio and looks over at me. "Of course hon. What's up?" I cringe at hon, he knows I hate being called hon. He mouthes sorry.

"Well Jay... um last Satur..." I stuttered out and I took a breath. Before I could let out another word our car crashed into something harshly. My vision soon went black right as a yelp escapes my lips.

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