0.8 birthday boy ♡

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Planning for Awsten's birthday, I was told, was always a hassle. Awsten had this horrible habit of trying to downplay his birthday and he seemed to always act like his birthday was not a big deal at all. I'd also noticed him doing something similar around Christmastime.

It was like he didn't think people should make a big deal about him, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Turning 26 had not been the best experience for Awsten last year because his birthday had fallen right after he'd broken up with his ex-girlfriend. He'd just had a lowkey thing at a pizza joint with his family and some close friends. But I was determined for Awsten to have a good day this year if I had anything to do with it. 

"So why, may I ask, did we need to run to H-E-B this morning when I specifically requested that we stay in bed all damn day?" Awsten asked me.

The Knights and all of Awsten's friends were getting the party together at his parent's house which left me in charge of keeping Awsten entertained until I was given the signal to bring him home so we could surprise him.

"I'm making your birthday dinner tonight and needed to grab some ingredients," I told him and smiled in his direction.

"But we went grocery shopping for that very thing four days ago," Awsten pointed out and then looked over the produce section again, clearly trying to figure out what was going on.

"Yeah, but I forgot something." It was a flimsy excuse and I cursed Jawn in my head for picking me to keep Awsten occupied.

"What did you forget?" Fuck. I really needed to stop underestimating Awsten's intelligence.

"Uhhh, just some things," I said vaguely.

I picked up the same onion I'd grabbed the last three times I went for an onion and this time Awsten noticed.

"I know what's going on here." My stomach went cold. Fuck. "You're stalling. Why are you stalling?"

I stared at the onion for a long moment and then smiled at Awsten again. "You think I'm stalling?" I asked slowly. "Why would I be stalling?"

"I have no fucking idea." Awsten eyed me curiously. "But now you're talking all slow like that'll take up more time. You're literally stalling SO HARD right now and it's kinda pissing me off."

"Why about making yams for your birthday dinner?" I asked, trying to derail him a little by bringing up his shitty and alarming podcast. "You love yams, don't you, Aws?"

Awsten's entire face changed and he glared at me. "If we even walk passed the yams, I will throw up on them and then I'll throw up on you. I'll probably get arrested so I'll throw up on the cop that arrests me. I'll be detained and then throw up all over the detainment room."

"I mean, that honestly doesn't seem so bad," I said innocently.

"Try it." Awsten folded his arms. "Just tell me what the fuck's going on!"

He was getting angry with me. I needed to diffuse the situation before we actually got into a fight.

"It's a surprise. I'm stalling you because they're getting it together," I finally admitted.

"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" Awsten dropped his arms and smiled at me. All the anger was gone. "What kind of surprise?"

"I said it's a surprise, babe! You'll find out soon, I promise!" I laughed.

Awsten nodded thoughtfully. "Sure, okay, I get that. But like. Is this a sexy surprise, I-bought-you-a-puppy surprise or a Shakespearean tragedy our-starcrossed-love-stoy-is-fated-to-doom surprise?"

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