0.5 marry and bright ♡

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A lot of dreams had come true this year, I decided. It was mine and Awsten's third Christmas together, though this would only be the second Christmas that we'd been dating. Awsten and I had just bought our first place together in Los Angeles, after doing a "part-time long distance relationship" as he called it, me living in California and him living in Texas. Waterparks had released Entertainment, an admittedly difficult album for me to listen to sometimes because it chronicled the rockiest part of our relationship, something that we hadn't shared with the fans at all.

Tonight was extra special because Awsten had (somehow) convinced his family to allow us to host the annual Knight family Christmas party at our shiny new place. His parents and sister had even flown in from Texas to be with us, as well as all of our friends and their significant others. We had such a massive kitchen and living room for entertaining and I had begged Awsten to talk to his Mom about letting us host the party this year and she was an absolute peach for letting me get my way.

"You're not hiding, are you?"

I turned at the familiar sound of Awsten's voice and smiled at him. Despite all of our time together, I was still so blown away by him. Plus he looked incredibly good all dressed up tonight and he'd even tucked in his shirt like a good boy. He'd shaved, much to my dismay, but he was still pretty good-looking.

"No. I actually came up to grab my phone but then I decided to fix my hair and makeup." I smiled. "Then I just kinda got to thinking."

"What about?" He stepped into our bedroom, coming closer, and sat down on the bed beside me.

"It's not very festive," I admitted. "But I was thinking that this time last year we almost didn't make it. I was in my last semester of school and so stressed out. You were so sad and I didn't know how to help you."

"I pushed you away. You know that." Awsten frowned and I reached for his hand, holding it tightly in both of mine. "The winter is always the worst inside."

"Gloom boy season," I recalled his term for it, something he'd actually written in lyrics. Seasonal depression to most of the world was, I supposed, the actual term for what happened to him.

"But we made it out of that dark time, you and me. Sure, it was the hardest time we ever had to face together but that's just it, isn't it? We faced it together. Just like everything else that happened this year. We made it through together." Awsten smiled at me, a true blue Awsten Knight smile, and it crinkled the corners of his eyes. "I'm really lucky to have you by my side, you know. You make me feel strong."

I squeezed his hand. "You're stronger than you realize, Aws, but I'm always happy to cheer you on. And I am so proud to be at your side. I love you."

"I love you, too." His mouth was warm against mine and I felt him smile before he pulled away. "But I have a gift for you. A birthday gift."

Letting out a groan of annoyance, I stood up from the bed and smoothed out my dress. "I thought I told you not to combine my birthday with Christmas, Awsten Knight!"

He watched me, grinning, amusement in his eyes. "Your birthday is Christmas Eve, darling. It's hard to keep them separate." He laughed. "Besides, think of it more like a 'happy birthday, Merry Christmas' instead."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Sure, you quote your own lyrics but get so pissed when anyone else does it to you."

"Yeah, duh. People are usually quoting them to be rude as shit or making fun of me." Awsten stood up and pressed his lips against my cheek. "Do you not want it now?"

"No, it's the middle of a party! Give it to me later!" I insisted, kissing his mouth one last time before I hurried out of the bedroom. I didn't know how long we'd been gone but surely people would assume we disappeared to do something inappropriate.

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