0.9 sick to death ♡

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"I'm literally dying and y'all aren't making it better"

Awsten Knight was dramatic at the best of times. It was what everyone liked about him, in his opinion. Everyone loved his dramatic Twitter rants, his whining on Instagram live, and all the shenanigans he pulled on stage. Everyone loved that shit and they were lying to themselves if they said they didn't.

However, nobody liked when Awsten was sick because he was almost impossibly more dramatic, insufferable and borderline rude.

"We can take another break, Awsten," Geoff offered.

They were currently in the studio trying to record some things for the new album now that they had some downtime in between tours. They were supposed to be taking an actual complete break but their wonderful label had them working really hard this year and it didn't seem to be letting up any time soon. Awsten would've killed for even a week off to just lay in bed with no responsibilities. 

Stepping out of the vocal booth, Awsten rubbed his eyes to try and keep himself together. Not even coffee this morning had woken him up and his girlfriend made amazing coffee. 

"Maybe we should. I feel like--" Awsten started to say before he started coughing like crazy. He couldn't catch his breath at all and it felt like he was choking on razor blades.

Truth be told, Awsten hadn't been feeling his best for over a month now but they'd been on tour. His voice was absolutely shredded from Warped Tour and they'd come off that tour to hop on another in Europe, had a few days off at home and then took a 17-hour flight to Australia for more gigs. Awsten's entire body was exhausted now. He loved touring and he loved his job but he was exhausted.

"We need to call it a day, I think. Nothing's gonna get done." Otto was the voice of reason now. He handed Awsten his water bottle and sighed. "We need to take a break. We're all fucking sick."

"Can't really afford to take a break. We have the time to be in the studio now," Geoff pointed out, trying to be reasonable. 

"Yeah, well, we're gonna lose our singer if he doesn't cool it. He needs to go to the doctor," Otto said. "We probably all should."

Awsten shook his head, which only made him dizzy. "No, no. It's fine. I'm good. Let's just get back to work. Geoff's right. We have the time now so we should just fucking record."

Despite the fact that all three boys were sick, Awsten climbed back into the vocal booth, put the headphones back on and tried to get back into the zone to sing. Everything was going okay until Awsten took a deep breath to hit a note and started coughing all over again. Straining his all ready swollen vocal chords wasn't his best idea.

Awsten threw himself out of the booth, still coughing. He sucked down several gulps of water and tried to catch his breath. "Okay, I'm calling it. We're done for today. I can't focus and  I'm so sure that all our takes today sucked so I'm gonna have to sing them again anyway." Awsten shook his head, which only caused the room to spin. "Equal Vision can suck my entire fucking ass. I'm going home."

The drive home from the studio to his apartment was rough. His vision was blurry and he continued to cough. Awsten put some serious thought into stopping at one of those walk-in places since he wasn't sure if he could get an appointment with his regular doctor but decided against it. He just wanted to go home and be in bed for a minimum of a year.

"Hey, babe!" his girlfriend called as he walked through the front door. "You're home early. I wasn't expecting you for another hour."

Awsten rubbed his nose a bit, clearing his throat. "I'm admitting defeat, honestly. I'm sick as fuck. We're pausing recording for the moment."

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