Chapter4: Not Yet

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(1 week later)
~~Kathrines POV~~

Its been a week since Lauren told everyone about her having social anxiety and she hasn't really talked to anyone in our family for awhile. I think it's gonna be hard for her when she starts school up tomorrow. I was thinking about everything that's been going on when Dani broke me from my thoughts.

"Hey Kath what are you thinking about." Dani ask me.

"Ugh...Nothing Dan,everything's fine." I said with hesitation in my voice.

"Kathrine don't lie to me, don't act like I didn't hear the hesitation in your voice." Dani says. I stand here not saying anything.


"Jeez Dan ok, I was just thinking about you guys going back to school tomorrow and how hard it's gonna be for Lauren to pretend to talk to people and not be scared." I say

"It must be hard for you too Dani." I said and Dani looked at me weird.

"Huh what do you mean Kath I'm perfect fine." Dani said on the verge of tears.

"Ok yeah Kathrine it's really hard." Dani said with a lump in her throat.

"Do you not get that Lauren's my other half, my sugar, she comes to me for everything besides this the one time I could've actually helped her the most she doesn't come to me." Dani says breaking down into my arms crying.

"She didn't come to me Kath." "Why didn't she come to me." Dani continued.

"DanDan she most likely didn't know how to tell your, or she wanted to tell someone who is older and close to her rather than someone who's younger and close to her." I said as I pull Dani into a tight hug and whisper things into her ear.

After awhile I see Dani fall asleep so I pick her up and lay her down on her bed. I kiss the top of her head and when I was about to leave Dani grabbed my hand.

"Can you please stay with me Kathrine, please don't go." Dani said as she's about to cry again.

"Aww Dani I'm not going anywhere, I won't leave you Just yet." I said as Dani moves over and I lay with her stroking her hair.

"Not yet." I whisper

~~Dani's POV~~

I woke up and saw Kathrine beside me and that's when everything comes flooding back to me. I just lay there looking at the ceiling thinking about what Kath said about school.
It's gonna be hard for Lauren because when we were Homeschooled mom made Lauren stay back a grade because she wasn't talking at all. So Lauren and I are in the same grade and Lo doesn't say much she only talks to me and when I can't be there these one girls bully her sometimes and it breaks my heart. I want to tell someone but Lauren made me promise not to tell anyone especially not Christina. I only went through with her promise because there only saying words that hurt her their not physically hurting her.

"Hey Dan you ok." Kath's ask me.

"Oh ugh yeah just waiting for you to get up and make some dinner." I laugh as she grins at me.

"Whatever Dani." She says as she hits me with a pillow.

"Come on you can help me make dinner." Kath says as she gets up and walks out the door. I go downstairs and see Kath making pasta.

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