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aeri being aeri, who was still busting with energy in the middle of the night, wandered around the dorms because she was paranoid after watching a horror movie.

she checked the front door, the back doors and windows, making sure they were securely locked. then she decided to waste her energy over cleaning the mess she saw in the living room and kitchen. rearranging the cushions back where they belonged, and folded the pile of clothes that were left in the corner.

after done doing the said job, she decided to sleep on the couch in the living because she wanted to. heheue.

quietly, she took her thick blanket, pillow and her plush toy out of her room, not wanting to wake up a peacefully sleeping guanlin.

adjusting her pillow and blanket on the couch, she turned on her laptop that she also took from their room to watch some movies.

"might as well make some popcorn and drink the leftover coffee in the fridge.", she mumbled naively to herself before tiptoe-ing to the kitchen to assemble the preferred food.

it was currently 3:46 am and thank goodness they didn't have any schedule in the morning until the very next day or not she'll get into trouble with the manager.

wait, she never gets in trouble with the manager. the manager always cause her trouble. pabo, aeri.

kidding, she loves the manager like an uncle.

finishing all the popcorn and drink and the movie was ending too, aeri didn't show signs of wanting to sleep. so she started to choose another movie.

"fifty shades darker? wait i haven't watched this yet.", she told herself before proceed clicking the thumbnail to play the named film.

yes, it's X rated. but it bother her? nope. not at all. does it bother the other members? well technically yes because she's a minor and jinyoung calls her a pervert for watching this kind of movies. but she prefers the term 'open minded' rather than pervert as she's only watching a simple movie.

author also shrugs.

boy, she instantly plugged in her earphones as she forgot she wasn't alone in the dorms.

around 5 in the morning, she fell asleep with the blanket wrapped around her body, her hugging her toy plush and her laptop still on.

minhyun was the first one to wake up and wash up too.

as he walked out into the living room, he was certainly surprised seeing their maknae sleeping comfortably on the couch and soundly even.

he shook his head at the thought of her actions in attempt to fall sleep last night until she came to a conclusion of sleeping on the couch.

he turned off her laptop and threw away the empty bag of popcorn and cup of drunk coffee before scooping her up in his arms bridal style, carrying the girl back to her room so she could sleep more.

"oh hyung you're up. ehh, why are you carrying kiddo?", jihoon whom just woke up was shocked seeing the scene in front of him.

"ahh, she fell asleep on the couch so I'm carrying her back to her room.", minhyun explained before asking, "can you bring over her plush toy and blanket to her room?"

jihoon nodded, proceeding to do minhyun's request and brought back to guanlin's and aeri's room where minhyun was now placing the maknae carefully on her bed, trying to not wake her up.

jihoon placed the blanket on her before tucking her in. giving her plush toy in her arms which made aeri unconsciously hugging the toy in her sleep, making jihoon mentally squeal at this sight.

"she's so cute right hyung?", jihoon questioned his hyung and minhyun nodded almost immediately saying, "yup. very adorable indeed."

"we should let her sleep.", minhyun planted a kiss on her head before leaving to room.

"sweet dreams aegi-yah", jihoon also kissed her head then left the maknaes' room.

"kwon aeri~~ time to wake up~~", jisung's smoothing voice cooed to her as he gently shook her awake.

aeri, a light sleeper, woke up in an instant but still lazy to sit up. so she just faced her oppa in a half daze state.

"morning aegi, did you sleep well?", jisung sat on her bed while brushing her hair with his hands.

aeri nodded like a child before asking if he was the one carried her to her bed. jisung replied a confused look before saying it wasn't him. he told her that everyone were already by the table and she should eat first before washing up.

"but i don't wanna get up.", aeri whined with a pout.  in all honesty, she was too lazy.

anyone could relate right?

jisung sighed as he could only yell one name, "daniel!"

daniel came few seconds after the eldest hyung called and had both of his hands on his side when he saw their little maknae still in bed.

"aigo-yahh, maknae.", daniel immediately got by her bed and had his back faced to her, "get on kiddo."

aeri wrapped her arms around daniel's neck as daniel hooked her legs around his waist, holding her legs to piggy back her. as soon as niel stood up, she felt as if she was on top of a building.

she rested her head on his broad shoulder, as he chuckled at the girl's behavior.

"what time did you sleep last night kiddo?", niel asked making the girl murmured the digits of clock on when she slept.

"five in the morning?!", daniel was shocked, waking the girl up again. she just nodded lazily before dozing off again.

"we need feed that feather.", daniel pointed at aeri's direction as jinyoung who was next to her just reacted by placing more food on her plate.

"but I'm on a diet.", aeri tried to reason sleepily as she rubbed her eyes a bit.

jinyoung gave her a frown, "screw your diet. you need to eat."

seongwoo gave her a stern look across the table and lowly called, "aeri."

"okay i will.", she obediently said as she started to eat whatever that was on her plate.

seongwoo and daniel were like her father and mother in terms of forcing her to eat although she had the junks at the right places but she still wanted to maintain weight. they were just not having her to starve herself whilst having less sleep.

her health was one of their priorities. as their health was hers.

"if jihoon eats then i will.", aeri shot jihoon a smug smile.

jihoon gave her a look before eating.

"aeri being aeri.", jaehwan laughed at the girl's ways of making them eat.

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