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Y/N's POV:

Hana: this stinks I can't take it anymore!

Meiko: work without complaining Hana.

The A.S.C. had us stationed in the bathroom cleaning the stalls.

Meiko: President I'll help you with that.

Mari was scrubbing a disgusting toilet with a sponge.

Mari: no, I must accept this punishment.

Risa: do only your work! Even though you lost to me you still look at me with rebellious eyes.

Risa: do we need to get on our hands and knees again?

Meiko: you are mistaken, I did not get on my hands and knees.

Risa: not you, her...

Risa pointed at Mari with her staff which surprised Meiko.

Risa: your sentence should of been extended but she begged against it.

Meiko: the President was on her hands and knees because of me!?

Kate: you weren't aware? Well, you looked like you were sleeping comfotably on ground.

Kate came seemingly out of now where.

Kate: will you pick another fight with Risa or have you learned your lesson? The saying must be true. Only death can cute idiocy. But you always were an idiot weren't you?

I had enough, I couldn't sit idly by anymore.

Y/n: what the hell is your problem?

Kate: I believe this is the first time I've heard you talk.

Kate moves two feet closer to me.

Kate: your pretty smart to have kept your mouth shut for so long. I like that.

I got a chill up my spine when she said that.

Kate: your names Y/N right? I'll remember it.

She turned and left while singing the same song from earlier that freaked out Meiko.

Y/N:  weird.

Time skip:

Meiko: President...im really sorry about what happened today.

Mari: it's fine, you don't need to worry.

Hana: Y/N, I saw that kate girl talking to you, what did she say?

Y/N: it wasn't important. Speaking of which, who is Kate?

Mari: she's someone we've known for a long time. I'll tell you more about it when I'm ready.

I could've guessed that. Clearly there's some history with the three of them.

(The next day)

Risa: have you grown accustomed to life here?


Risa: fine...i've brought a special guest today.

Hana: special guest?

Risa: your new guards.

Y/N: oh no...

Risa: Gakuto and Andre.

Andre: I-it's been to long.

Gakuto: a pleasure to see you again.

Hana: t-they're the guards? What is this!? Why are these boys guarding us!?

Meiko: the student council should suffice as guards.

Risa: actually it's difficult on our own. After all, you attacked me the other day. This is why we need their help.

(Minutes later)

Mari: Vice-President, you can't do all that work alone.

Meiko was digging a huge ditch by herself by herself.

Hana: yeah, we should do this together.

Meiko: I'll do it by myself. Its the Only way I can atone for what I did to you president.

Risa walked over from somewhere else.

Risa: are you done digging? You were supposed to dig over here.

Risa pointed to an area just feet away from where Meiko was.

Gakuto: huh? But you said to dig here earlier.

Risa: I said no such thing, fill that hole and dig here.

Hana: you want us to dig it all over again?

Mari: if we all help it won't take long.

Risa: you two have work elsewhere. Meiko will dig it alone.

Their trying to seperate us like they did earlier.

Risa left and Gakuto went somewhere else.

Y/N: *sigh* you always overwork yourself Meiko, but I'm helping you today and I won't take no for an answer.

Meiko: o-ok.

Meiko's face turned red when I said that.

(The next day)

We were working in the field as usual and when Mari bent over her clothes that were too small ripped revealing her panties.

Mari: Y/n don't look!

Y/n: I-I'm not!

Hana: your not looking either right!?

Gakuto: n-no my apologies!

Risa: what are you doing? Your a guard, so its your job to observe them.

Gakuto: well yes but...

Risa: are you unable to manage even that?

Gakuto: I was just surprised that's all, I can watch them.

Y/n: well if he can look....

Hana: Y/n, don't you dare turn around!

This, is bullshit.

A/n: I hope you guys liked this chapter, I decided to wait longer for the backstory of kate because I want it to be a mystery. Feel free to speculate in the comments. I'm always interested in seeing your ideas. Anyway I'll see you next time.

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