Chapter 2 : Satellite Man

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The rocket with me in it soon reached its destination. I arrived with a sudden jolt to the rocket as we landed on the Victory Corporation only super secret satellite.

The moment the door to the rocket opened, I shouted out, "Code Alpha Omega 3598 !"

"Acknowledge master !", The satellite computer said loudly.

"Cut off all access to your system from the outside and change all codes to Pete 3333 !", Pete shouted out again.

"Acknowledge master !", The satellite computer said loudly.

I stumbled onto the satellite as it had artificial gravity by using a rotating system. I fell on the floor from exhaustion and exhilaration. I was never this happy to get control of this satellite.

I moved to the science lab where the experimental gate was and where the machine used for body strengthening and manipulation was.

When I reached there I held up the serum which Quinn gave me and shouted out, "Computer take the serum and add element X into it, the element found in the spatial rift to the new world !".

A metal arm jolted out took the serum from my hand and a space gate opened while another mechanical arm seems to be collecting what seems to be green particles from the space gate. The green particles was soon processed and added to the serum.

"Addition of element X is a success !", The satellite computer said loudly.

In the comic book the villain Quinn trying to find a cure for his deteriorating health had found out that if he had added element X into his serum it would stabilise the serum and give him intelligence without the unfortunate effect of him dying. Unfortunately for him it was too late as he had already taken the serum without element X.

"Computer prepare the bed for me to strengthen my body and add the serum into me at the same time !", Pete shouted out as he laid on the bed.

"Acknowledge master !", The satellite computer said loudly.

Soon there were machines wiring and doing things onto Pete that was lying on the bed in the space satellite. When the serum was injected into Pete's neck, he screamed in pain while squirming in the bed. Soon light rays bombarded his body and he screamed again in pain. Through out the whole process Pete's screams could be heard in the satellite where he was the only living occupant. This satellite was created for the hidden chairwoman and owner of Victory Corporation, Victoria Victory, a truly evil woman. Victoria Victory would never expect that one day someone would steal her trillion dollar satellite and even know her personal private code word.

Staggering out form his bed, Pete mumbled to himself, "so this is what intelligence above genius is like. This is what strength is like. I have no time."

"Computer ! Prepare these things for me...", Pete shouted out his instructions as an odd variety of things were gathered with his super intelligence.

I knew I did not have much time left, if the comic book is correct in a few months time, Victory Corporation's greed would push them to open a gate to an alien world and we would be invaded. The super heroes would be slaughtered easily and we would lose this world to the aliens. I must change the story. It did not fit in with my plan for some stupid alien race to conquer the world I am staying in ! No one touches my things but me !

Once everything was gathered, I wore everything on me. Every single technical item.

"Computer ! Defend against all invaders to this satellite including Victory Corporation ! And open the gate to the other world ! When you receive my signal again, open the gate a second time !", Pete shouted out the command.

"Acknowledge master !", The satellite computer said loudly.

Pete stood heroically as he entered the spatial rift gate to enter the alien world.

Three months later in a run down beaten up satellite, a signal was triggered and the satellite opened up the spatial rift gate again.

A voice could be heard, "I am back Computer.". It was Pete, he looked different, stronger and even more alien than before.

"Acknowledge master !", a tired voice rang out.

"Ha ! Computer from now on your name would be Junior ! Let me reward you for your hard work !" Pete shouted out happily.

Nano machines were surrounding Pete started moving out from his body as it moved around the satellite remodelling it and changing it. The tired interior which seems to have gone through a world war were soon fixed and upgraded to become more alien and more technological advanced. Whirring sounds Of machine soon came to life as the shape of the satellite changed and there was artificial gravity, the method of spinning the satellite to create artificial gravity was no longer needed. Other than that the tracker inside the satellite was ejected out and locked onto some space garbage and exploded. Anyone seeing this explosion would think that the satellite had exploded in space.

"Oh ! Thank you master ! Thank you for removing the tracker from this satellite !", a new young voice called Junior called out.

"Call me Pete, Junior !", Pete shouted out happily.

"Tell me all that happened when I was away.", Pete added.

"Master... sorry Pete, while you were away for 3 months, Victory Corporation attacked this satellite viciously using both machines as well as super heroes. They almost destroyed this satellite but your remodelling of this satellite has removed their tracker on this satellite. The explosion of the tracker would make Victory Corporation think this satellite has been destroyed. For that Junior is grateful.", Junior the satellite said happily.

"Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Glad you liked your remodelling, it is a reward for helping me.", Pete said in a joyous voice.

"Thank you, master... Pete.", Junior said respectfully.

"Hmm... we do not have much time, even though they lost the spatial rift gate. Victory Corporation should be able to construct one again on Eurth and they should be ready to enter the spatial rift gate soon. I need to strengthen the super heroes of Eurth. That way the super heroes of Eurth should be able to delay their invasion of Eurth.", Pete said with a serious look.

"Is there anything I can help master ... Pete with ?", Junior asked humbly.

"Ha ! Ha ! You can use your new teleporter to teleport me to New York, USA, Eurth.", Pete said with a smile.

"Yes, Pete....", Junior said respectfully as he teleported Pete to Eurth (the alternative version of Earth).

A light flashed and Pete disappeared from the satellite and appeared again in New York in central park.

(Next chapter : Space man. If you enjoy the novel more stars please. Thank you)

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