Chapter 1 : How It All Started

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Choking on a french fry and waking up in the body of the villain Potty Pete does not make me happy at all. My name is Timothy Wong, just a few hours ago I had just choked on a french fry in my room and choked to death on it. Waking up with a splitting head ache I realised that I was in a comic book story and I was the canon fodder villain Potty Pete or at least I will be soon.

We were all here me, Pete and my friends Jake, soon to be known as Jake the Fire King. Iris was here as well, soon to be known as Ice Queen. Then there was Aaron, Aaron Air Bender. And finally there was the slightly retarded less smart Quinn, who was born with autism and had the mentality of a 10 year old child. Quinn would soon become the smartest man on Eurth (alternative world to Earth, the comic book version of Earth) and the main villain in the comic book. Sigh. Why did I end up here ?

"Pete are you okay ?", Iris asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I am fine Iris.", I whispered softly.

We were all in the Victory Corporation building same as the comic book story. Each of us had a back story whereby the corporation called Victory Corporation used us or killed our family members. We banded together because we were the only people left after Victory Corporation killed every single one of our family members. Each of us had nothing left to lose so we had decided to storm Victory Corporation's headquarter to steal their technology to get revenge on them. In the comic book there were no good guys, only bad guys. The only redeeming character that was slightly less evil was Quinn. The super heroes were even more evil than the villains and the super heroes were controlled by their corporate creators Victory Corporation.

The reason why I had a head ache was that I climbed into the air vent to get access into the inner security room where all the weapons were held. To get the door to open, I accidentally hit my head. As Pete and not my dead self Timothy Wong, I was the strongest person here and the unofficial leader.

Soon we were combing through the room for weapons. I found my paste gun that allows me to trap people. And as the gun was shaped like a pot, I was known as potty Pete. It looks like Jake found his fire gun. Iris found her ice gun. Aaron found his air bender gloves that allow him to manipulate wind. And Quinn the poor man did not find anything except the experimental serum that made him smarter. Unfortunately the serum had a side effect that was killing him slowly and not immediately. If a normal person were to take that serum, his or her head would explode immediately but Quinn had autism so he became smarter at the price he was slowly dying. I can't allow that to happen. The main reason is I want that serum for myself ! I need to get smarter and I know how to make the serum safe for consumption. And I don't want to be known as Potty Pete while carrying this pot shaped gun.

"Quinn.", Pete called out.

"What is it Pete, sir ?", Quinn asked in a slovenly voice.

"Here take my gun. Give me the serum, you don't know what is in it. It might be poison.", Pete said calmly.

"What ? Why are you giving him your gun ?", Jake called out.

"Don't do it Pete. It is a waste to give your gun to a retard.", Iris called out.

"Don't take Pete's things Quinn, if not I will hit you.", Aaron called out.

"It's okay guys. Here Quinn, take it.", Pete said as he passed his pot shaped gun to Quinn while quickly taking the serum from him.

As that happened the room flashed red as an alarm was triggered while the warning sound came , "Intruder ! Intruder ! In weapons development room ! Intruder ! Intruder !".

Everyone looked at Quinn except me, I knew that this was the part where everyone asked Quinn to stay behind to stall the guards where everyone could escape. This was also the part where Quinn took the serum and was captured by Victory Corporation and viciously experimented on. I can't allow that to happen. I need to be alone in this room ! I did not need any distractions here !

"Everyone ! I will stay behind to delay the guards.", Pete said confidently.

"What ?!", Jake shouted out in shock.

"Are you crazy ?!", Iris shouted out.

"Why don't we just leave Quinn here since you gave him your weapon ?", Aaron asked viciously.

"No. Listen to me. If I get captured or killed keep Quinn safe. You are all family. There is no one left. This is my last wish.", Pete said as he smiled happily at Jake, Iris, Aaron and Quinn.

"Damn it ! Okay, but don't regret it hero.",  Jake said as he left while looking angry.

"Take care Pete. I will look after Quinn.", Iris said with a sad look while she kissed Pete on the cheek lovingly.

"You... we are brothers...", Aaron said with tears in his eyes as he rushed out.

Quinn just walked out with Iris while smiling stupidly at me.

Hah ! I am glad they are all gone now. That will allow me to finally act freely without any prying eyes or anyone else taking away my benefits !

"Computer, code Delta sigma 5673 !", Pete said with a loud voice. I knew the code because this was a comic book story and in my previous life I was a comic nerd.

"Code accepted, master code correct !" The computer said loudly.

"What is your command master ?!", The computer asked loudly.

"Stop access to all hostile members coming into this room to capture me ! And allow the intruders to escape !", Pete said confidently.

"Acknowledge ! All members of Victory Corporation are enemies ! Intruders are friends !", The computer said loudly.

Lasers soon flashed in the corridor as team members of Victory Corporation are all cut by lasers. And doors were opening for Jake, Iris, Aaron and Quinn to escape.

"Computer lock out all outside access to your system ! All outside access is the enemy ! And change all passwords to Suck Pete's Dick 3333 !", Pete shouted out a command again.

"Acknowledge ! Master !", The computer said loudly.

"Computer code Omega 9909 !", Pete said with a smile.

"Acknowledge ! Access to space satellite approved !", The computer said loudly as a door opened in the room to a small rocket.

Pete entered into the small rocket as it blasted off to Victory Corporation's only special secret satellite. It was the place where all experiments were done. This was the place where I would become the strongest villain in all existence.

(Next chapter : Satellite Man ! In which our anti hero becomes invincible).

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