Final Joining

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"Let's go over the plan one more time," I say so everyone knows for sure.
"Andrea and I are getting Joseph," Caitlyn starts.
Next Jessica says, "Annabelle and I are getting Brian."
Then Jo says, "Grace and I are gonna get Necessity."
Finally I say, "Zalaybria, Richard, and I are getting Kevin.  Great so we know what we're doing, now let's do this."

20-30 minutes later
"So that's everyone.  Here's sum chips."
"Thx," they say.
"Our parents are here with the stuff but they have to wait in Mr. Gomer class," Andrea informs us.
"Well when can we get to them," Luther asks.
"Dr. Charter said we can all go in there once them and everything they brung is inspected.  That'll be about an hour or two, hopefully less."
"I'm tired of standing and waiting," Adam complains. Beside him Richard and Jay are on social media, while Mark and  Luther are on Fortnite mobile.  Boys I swear.
"Stop complaining, it could be longer.  We can wait a couple more hours," Jo scolds Adam.
"Exactly," Jessica agrees.  Jo, Jessica, Grace, and I are sitting on the right side of the table like usual.  Annabelle is sitting on the left of Grace and Dianna is beside her.  Zalaybria is sitting in front of Annabelle.  Kelly is beside Zalaybria.  Susie and Necessity pulled up chairs next to their sisters.  Sitting at table to the right of us is Andrea, Caitlyn, and Joseph.  To the left of us is the boys including Adam, Thomas, Elijah, Damond, Kevin, and Brian.  We're all together.
1 hour later
"MOM!!" Jessica, Dianna, Annabelle, and I yell, eyes filled with tears, as we run to our moms.
"DAD!!" Jessabelle, Caitlyn, and Andrea yell as they run to their dads with eyes filled with tears at the same time we run to our moms.  A few seconds later Damond is hugging his mom, so is Adam, Elijah, and Kevin.
Same time as them Richard and Joseph run to their dads.
"I'm so happy you're okay"
"I love you"
I wish your brother was here"
"I wish your sister was here"
That's mostly what was said by all the parents.  We realize all the kids who parents became mune.
"Come over here y'all, you guys are family too," different parents said to different kids.  Everyone went with their relatives.  Grace went with Elijah.  Mark went over there with Dianna.  Jay and Zalaybria went with Richard.  Jessica and Brian went with Annabelle.  All my cousins were with others so I had Jo and Necessity who were like family and Kelly and Susie.  Everyone's so happy.
"Okay let's go through everything we brought," my mom and Mr. Williams, Andrea's dad say at the same time, taking charge. 
"Well I-, you go first," Ms. Johnson, Damond's mom, and Mr. Camper, Caitlyn and Joseph's dad, say at the same time.  Finally Mrs. Simpson, Elijah's mom, says, "Well I got tissue and hand sanitizers that should last a month or three."
"I got three battery packs and two chargers," Mr. Camper says.
"I brought blankets also so there should be enough now," Mr. Williams says.
"I got enough drinks to last a month, if we drink them right," Ms. Martha, Dianna's mom, says.
"I bout four bottles of Tylenol, one bottle of Pepto Bismol, a bottle of Robitussin, lady things that'll last probably five months, three boxes of band-aids, a bottle of Peroxide, and a bottle of Alcohol and rubbing alcohol," my mom says proudly.
"I got 30 pillows which isn't enough but is should do. As long as the kids have pillows we're good," Ms. Johnson says. All the adults agree.
"I have chips, cookies, crackers, candy, and more snacks," Ms. Patterson, Jessica's mom, included.
"Now we need a bus unless someone has a very large van," remarks Mr. Brown, Richard's dad. No one steps up to having a large van. "So no one has a large van, okay. So how we getting a bus?"
"We could..."
"and go..."
"What about..."
All the adults are talking, planning how we're gonna leave and not get sick. We all know that it may be best to stay but with so many people together, everyone may also get sick. Since the adults are deciding and whatnot, the kids are either sleeping or on their phones. All the little kids are sleeping while most high schoolers are on the phone.
"Okay, I'm super bored," Caitlyn complains.
"Ugh, me too," Annabelle agrees.
"Well what are we gonna do?" Jessabelle asks.
"I don't know," they say together.
"Get on Fun Run with me," Grace suggests.
"We can do a tournament group since only four people can play at a time. First one out gets kicked out the group," I suggest.
"Yeah, let's do that. I'll be the winner," Elijah boasts.
Less than 5 minutes later
"AHHH...HAHA...NOOO, WHAT IS THIS GAME!!" Elijah yells. He loses the first time he gets in.
"Haha, this is why you don't go boasting about winning," Jessabelle remarks.
"Man, leave me alone."
"Who you think you are?"
"Luther, get yo girl 'fo I beat her up."
"You ain't boutta beat no one up."
"This is your problem Elijah. I suggest you shut up 'cause you not boutta win this," Dianna adds to the argument.
"Y'all always jumping me. I didn't even do anything," Elijah replies. He looks like he's about to cry.
"Leave him alone. Let's not argue, especially right now," I say.
"Okay Phoebe," Dianna says with a smirk.
"Stop it."
"Yes sir."
"I mean it."
"Yes sir."
I glare at her.
Five rounds later
"Hehe, I win," Grace says not surprised at all. We all already knew she was gonna win.
*Claps* "Congrats," I say with a hint of dissatisfaction. I was in second place. We were only seconds apart then I was dragged back.
"Thanks. I thought I was gonna lose."
"Me too. I was so close."
Everyone goes back to their own thing.
20 minutes of boredom later
"We figured out what we're gonna do," my mom whispers to me. A lot of other kids are sleep.
"So what are we gonna do?"
"Me and Mr. Williams are gonna go to the Whitemouse and get one of the buses there.  We just need you to text Vicky so she can give us the key."
"Okay I'll ask"

"Hey Vicky, we need the keys to the largest van at the Whitemouse.  If it's with you can you bring it or we will come to you."
25 minutes later
"Yeah, if you could meet me at the Whitemouse that would be great"
"We're good to go, mom"
"Thanks Phoebe"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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