First Bus

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After a surprisingly short time we found Kelly's sister and Adam's brother.  "Stop being slow Susie," Kelly commands her sister.
"Stop or I'm telling mom," Susie warns her.
"Okay, whatever," Kelly says.  We all know what Kelly could say but we also realize Susie doesn't realize what's going on.
"Phoebe do u have any candy or food?" Jo asks me.
"Yes but first of all it's in my book bag and secondly we are going into the cafeteria.  Just get food there."
"Well can I have some and that food nasty," she says with a disgusted face.
"You are so lucky something told me to bring some chips today.  I think it's enough for all of us."
"Yay," Jo and Kelly say simultaneously.

I look in my book bag and see a big bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and a container of Sourcream and Onion Pringles. 
"Get a plate or napkin," I instruct everyone who wants some.  I try to give everyone the same amount of Doritos.  I knew before I left the house that no one was going to get my Pringles.
"Thanks," Jessica tells me and then everyone else says thanks.
"I really thought you was gonna tell me no," Jo says half joking half serious.
"Yeah, well, you're welcome," I respond.

"I need to go back in the gym!" I exclaim as I remembered why, I've gotta see if my little cousin Zalaybria is here"
"Okay I'll go with you," Richard offered.
"Kay, let's go... I'll be back soon.  DON'T EAT MY STUFF.  GRACE WATCH 'EM"

"Zalaybria!  Are you okay?" I ask her.
"Yeah I'm fine, Joey's home sick though."
"Okay, come with me and Richard."

"Andrea and Jessica ate sum more Doritos," Grace informs me.  They both look at her.
Andrea shrugs her shoulders, "You should've known better than to leave them."
"Oh well I guess.  Someone get be a bowl," I command.  Caitlyn ends up getting it for me.  "Thank you Caitlyn.  Here Zalaybria," I say as I pour Doritos into a bowl for her.
"Thank you, Phoebe."
"No problem."

"The middle school is on its way.  Once again, once the buses go back out, if you have relatives that have just arrived you may go get them.  Please go in an orderly fashion and keep them calm.  Please refrain from yelling.  Thank you.  More announcements to come"
"Okay, so that means we're getting who?" I ask everyone.
"My brother, Joseph," Caitlyn inputs.
"Don't forget Kevin," Zalaybria says to me. Kevin is Zalaybria's boyfriend.
"We gotta get Necessity," Jo adds.
"Brian, we need to get Brian," says with a hint of annoyance.
"So is that everyone we getting?" I ask not wanting to do two trips.  I look around and everyone nods.  "Great so that means we need to make four more bowls of Doritos.  That'll be the last of them so that's good too, I think."

"The buses have arrived please go orderly and quietly. One again keep everyone calm. Please and thank you."

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