Chapter 6: Proceed With Caution

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"Xara, I know you've turned me down for every outing for the past two months, but I was wondering if you'd like to...visit Redstonia? I figured you'd maybe want to see what Ellegaard and Olivia were up to or something. We could bring Binta along too!" Romeo asked tentatively.

Xara was still wary of being around Romeo and doing anything with him. Being around him less had softened the bitterness and hostility she still held against him, but she was suspicious of his motives. Hence, why she had resorted to turning him down every time he had offered. She didn't trust him, despite the fact that he'd been better to her ever since he lost his powers. Maybe she was being petty about this, and she was probably making him feel as he did before he'd become so selfish. Jesse and the others were all concerned about the way she was treating him, but she was trying to protect herself. She didn't want him to backstab her again.

Something nagged at her that she was just making things worse by rejecting his attempts at friendship. He wasn't outright asking for her to be his friend again, but she knew what he was doing with his invites. Romeo had also sent her gifts and simple redstone contraptions he'd made. She wasn't so cruel that she would throw them away, so they sat in her house, untouched. Now she stood in her doorway, considering whether she would turn him down again or not. Maybe she was hurting him more by being so cold to him when he wasn't hurting her. Besides, if Binta came along, then surely nothing bad would happen between them.

"...Alright, we can go. It has been a while since I've seen Ellegaard," she finally spoke.

His face brightened up, "Great! Did you want to invite Binta as well?"

"That'd be nice."

"Now I was wondering if you were interested in making a trip today, but if you're busy then we can go tomorrow."

"It's fine. We can go today."

Xara checked a few things around her house and sorted through her inventory a little bit before joining Romeo outside. He seemed a lot more cheerful than he'd been in a long time, and Xara began to feel guilty for how distant and bitter she'd been. Eager to talk to her again, Romeo began shooting off questions about her friendships with Ellegaard and Binta. Xara decided, against her personal desires, to not be curt with her answers. She actually felt as if things were normal with Romeo again. It was just difficult not having Fred around anymore, but she knew Romeo missed him too. Jesse did tell her that he had planted a birch tree at their old cabin. Thinking about it again made her stop walking for a few moments, and Romeo stopped to check on her.

"Xara, are you alright?"


"Ah, we can uh...we can try another day?"

Xara closed her eyes, "No, no, let's keep going. I said I would go with you to Redstonia didn't I?"

"Well, it was more for your benefit than mine."

"I know. We'll go to the Overworld, get Binta, and then we'll travel to Redstonia."

Romeo nodded, "I just want to make sure you're comfortable with this. Don't feel like you're obligated to go."


Once they stepped through the portal, Romeo found Kent and asked him where Binta was. He and Xara had to walk into Beacontown because Binta was doing something for Jesse at the moment. Xara noticed the residents didn't quake in terror and fear of Romeo as they did before. There were still a couple that did, but most of them seemed used to his presence this time. Binta came out of Jesse's house and said goodbye to her before heading off. Xara waved to get Binta's attention, and she excitedly came over.

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