Chapter 3: New Friends, Old Memories

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Ellegaard was busily at work on some new contraption that no one could figure out upon first glance. It could've been anything: an automatic farm, an upside-down elevator, some sort of traveling device. However, no one could really arrive to a conclusion, and Ellegaard was intensely focused on her building. Olivia and Xara were the most interested in Ellegaard's new project and stepped a little closer to look at the details but maintained a safe distance. Olivia didn't think Ellegaard had even heard any of them come in, but this was a common occurrence for her. After a little while of observing, Olivia felt it was an opportune time to make her presence known.

"Ellegaard," she spoke.

Ellegaard did not look up from her work, "Hello, Olivia! Good to hear your lovely voice again. Would you mind grabbing me a blaze rod from the supplies over there?"

"Of course," Olivia complied with her request, "What are you working on today?"

"An advanced security system."

"Oh," replied everyone else in the room.

The chorus of voices prompted Ellegaard to stop working for a moment and push up her work goggles, "I was not expecting visitors. How can I help you all?"

Olivia brought over the blaze rod, "Jesse was wondering if she could spare some of our citizens to renovate the Underneath."

Ellegaard began using the blaze rod in her work, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't recall such a place."

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you about what happened with Jesse and the others, didn't I?"

Ellegaard nodded, "I think you did, dear. Give me a summary."

"Jesse explored a sea temple with Petra and some others, and their group got involved with some being called the Admin. The Admin had a lot of issues to work out friendship-wise, but he caused a lot of trouble for others, especially his two best friends. He lured Jesse and some of our friends into his schemes. Eventually, he disguised himself as her and caused trouble for Beacontown, fooling Axel and I briefly. Our Jesse came back and told us the truth about everything, and we helped her take down the Admin," Olivia explained.

"Where does the Underneath come into play?" asked Ellegaard as she dusted off her clothes and took off her goggles once more.

"The Underneath was his initial residence before he bedrocked it over, but I think it's just covered with the lowest layer of this world now. Jesse told me that it's mostly Badlands down there, so she was hoping we could come down there and help out for a while."

Ellegaard put a hand to her chin, "Sounds exciting. Who are we going to put in charge?"

"You're willing to help them out?"

"I don't always get to adventure much anymore. It's good to get out every now and then. The last time I did anything like that was during the Witherstorm, and you and I both know I wasn't much of a help during that."

"Alright, well Calvin always seems to handle the town pretty well in our absence."

"Calvin it is then," Ellegaard strode over to Xara to shake her hand, "Name's Ellegaard, Redstone Engineer of the original Order of the Stone."

Xara shook it, "I'm Xara, unwillingly Prisoner X for a brief period, a former admin and the leader of the Oasis. I was intrigued to know you were so into redstone."

"It's practically my entire life," she glanced at Xara's clothes, "Oh no, this won't do."

Xara looked down, "I haven't had time to go shopping or anything—"

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