Elfen Lied: Lucy's Return Part 6

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"W-Who are you?"  Asked Kouta. He was surprised that this unknown woman knew his name.

"Nyu?" The woman replied. Her voice was so sweet. Like a little girl's.

"w-what....? Could you really be....." Kouta was frozen, not by fear, but by overwhelming joy and surprise.

"Kouta...Kouta!" Tears streamed down the woman's cheeks. It was almost impossible to see her eyes, because of how long her bangs were.

"Nyu!"  Kouta dropped to his knees, grabbed Lucy by the arms and held her tighter than he had ever held another person in his life. He never wanted to let go of her. Knowing that he finally had her back, meant that he'd never let her go again. Tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"You idiot...how could you leave me like this?"

Although, in this form, Lucy struggled to understand many things, she knew what Kouta had meant loud and clear. She was hurt to hear him say this, and seeing him cry didn't help either. She cried even harder, and replied with: "Kouta...I-I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" Please, forgive Nyu! Please!" She begged.

Kouta wasn't sure whether or not he could accept her apology at the moment. He was furious with her for leaving him behind. She had made him so miserable. But, that didn't matter to him right now. What mattered most was getting her home safe.

"Come on, Nyu. We have to get home now. You look like you've been through a lot." Kouta wiped his eyes and put his hand out to her.  She stood up, slowly but surely. Grasping his hand, she walked back home with him.


Yuka and Mayu were driving to the hospital. It had been a pretty quiet ride. Yuka was usually the one to start a conversation, but she was too confused and depressed to conversate about normal every day things with anyone. Mayu felt differently. She needed to speak. It was too awkward.

"Hey, Yuka...?"

"Ah. Uh, Yes?" She had been deep in thought.

"Oh, um....Are you still worried about Nana? I thought the doctors said she was going to be alright..."

"Oh, yeah, she'll be fine! There's absolutely nothing to worry about." She put on a fake smile. The silence returned after that. Yuka continued to think. This time, about Nana. She felt a little guilty for not worrying about her, but the doctors said she would be fine. What she was truly worrying about, was that woman. What kind of power did she posess? Why did she end up hurting Nana so much? And why hadn't she hurt anyone else?

"Maybe Nana knew this woman, but she didn't want to tell us? No, she had never gotten a good look at her face. She didn't even see her at all. There had to be something relating the two, but what?"

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted, when Mayu yelled: "Hey, Yuka! Look! Over there!" She pointed to someone on the side of the road. It seemed as if they had been walking somewhere.

"Oh my god....It's her! Stay in the car!" She pulled over as quickly as she could. She stomped outside of her car and yelled: "Hey, you! Yes, you!"

The woman turned to her, and smiled. "My, my. Fancy meeting you here. Have you been following me?"

"As if! Why would I follow a freak like you around!?"

"To find answers, of course."

"Answers...? To what? As to why you've been snooping around our home? Why should I care!? I'll just get a restraining order on your crazy ass!"

"Hmm. Charming~." Said the woman, sarcastically.

"Just who do you think you are, bothering us like this? Are we the only ones you've been following!?"

"As for the moment, yes. But, I've followed others as well."

"Please inform me. What exactly are you searching for?"

"Oh, so, now you care? Maybe, you should have cared when I was at your house, 'Miss Yuka!"

"You even know our names!? You really are weird! And Kouta asked you what you were looking for! You refused to tell him!"

"Hmm. I suppose you're right. Maybe, I should've gotten straight to the point. But I couldn't....It would ruin all of my fun."

"What kind of "fun" are you talking about? Torturing my family!?"

"No, no, my dear. The time will come for you to understand."

The woman tried walking away from Yuka, but she ran right infront of her and blocked her path.

"Excuse me, but you're in my way!"

"There's no way you're leaving here without giving me some answers!" Yuka grabbed onto the woman's frilly shirt, and got right into her face.

"What are you looking for!? Why did Nana have a panic attack!?"

"Ah...I sensed that there may have been another person like "her" in that house. She must not have sensed anyone for a long time. My presence overpowered her, shaking her body to it's core." She smiled wickedly. "I guess I'll be having my way with that one, too!"

"You won't have your way with anything, after I'm done with you!" Yuka swung her first towards the woman's beautiful face. It was blocked by something. It was as if there was an invisible barrier in between the two of them.

"H-How could this happen....? What did you do!?"

"Hah, hah, hah! You wouldn't know anything about the power I posess over people like you. You're nothing but garbage!" Without noticing it, Yuka was struck by something powerful. She skid across the road, hitting her back against the front end of her car.

"Yuka!" Mayu jumped out of the car, and rushed over to her. "Yuka, are you okay!?" She held her.

"Hey, kid!" Called the woman. "Tell your big sister that I'll be back for some more fun tommorow. And keep your mouth shut. Especially, to the one with horns."

"Y-yuka...are you alright?" She looked down at her for a moment. Yuka was completely unconcious. When she looked up again, the woman had dissapeared. 

"Where could she have gone....?"

Mayu decided to let the thought go for now. She took Yuka's cell phone out of her pocket, and called for an ambulance.

Elfen Lied: Lucy's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now