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Ebony's Pov

Ronnie has been really quiet around me lately. I don't know why, but my heart is telling me he has some other sort of relations going on. Please god, let this not be true...

I texted him:

Me: Baby why aren't you talking to me? Im worried and I love you ok you can tell me anything...

Ronnie😍✋: Where is this going...?

Me: Ronnie.. are u cheating on me?

Ronnie😍✋: I would never hurt u like that! tf?

Me: I'm sorry if I was never there ok u can tell me and I will understand!

Ronnie😍✋: the fact that u don't trust me breaks me. Come over.}};

Text Convo over.

Now I feel really bad.

I got dressed and I was out the door. When I got to Ronnie's house, he was siting on the couch. Actually, laying, and he fell asleep.

I kissed him on his neck, causing him to wake up smiling.

"Hey, baby." he said.

"I'm sorry.. For assuming you had something going on... I know you, I don't know why I thought bad of you."

"It's ok, you're only being a girlfriend."

We went up to his room, kissed and cuddled. We ended up falling asleep, holding each other tight.


Short chapter, sorry!! I said I was updating soon, but I got caught up in "Suicidal Emotions". Y'all should really check that story out. {; thanks loves ☺💕

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