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You see, there is this boy. His name is Ronald Hackett, but everybody calls him Ronnie. Ronnie Banks. For the love of god, even his nickname sounds amazing. Here I go again...

Every time I look at him, I die. He is just so... so...him... His curly hair, big brown eyes, and his whole style.

Well, it's a normal day at school...

Oops... Jinxed it.

It's lunch time right now. The worst part of the day, as I explained earlier. As usual, food is getting thrown. Directly. At. Me. Now, back to Ronnie, he's the cool kid. Everyone has a crush on him. I mean, come on, who wouldn't?

I look at Ronnie, looking at me. I start to blush, and dammit, I think he noticed... He smiled at me, small smile, I guess so his friends wouldn't notice.

I smile back, thinking, "I have no chance..."

"I have English with him..." I think... as I look at my schedule. CRAP! I'm screwed!

I walk in to the class, and I swear I almost ran out. I could see people whispering. I knew it was about me. The teacher wasn't there. He wasn't going to be there for about another 15 minutes. I hate teacher meetings...

As usual, paper gets thrown at me. I look at Ronnie, the only person not throwing crap at me. I felt so embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks burning up and turning red as hell.

"Oh, what's the newbie looking at? Ronnie? Ronnie, you have a new lover!" someone yells. no no! He turned so red! I could feel the tears starting to rush down my face... stinging my eyes as they go down.

"Just leave me alone..!" I say, eager to scream my life away... "What? I can't hear you! Speak up, idiot!" they say. I don't say anything back, closing my eyes. "I said speak up!" they say, as a girl next to me pushes me off my chair, towards Ronnie. My elbow scrapes from the bottom of the desk. I open my eyes, and there he is. Staring at me, looking down at me...

He tries to speak, "are you o-"

Before he can even finish, I get up and run out of the class, sobbing. Two of the girls go after me... just to hurt me some more.. Ronnie.. running after them. To see if I was ok.

Luckily, the teacher is stuck at the meeting, delaying for about an hour.

The girls find me in the bathroom, crying my life away, washing my cuts and bruises..

"Hey! Cathy! I found her!" one of them says. "Well look-y here. Who do we have here? The idiot who ran." Cathy says, as they both come toward me,

with big ass pencil bags. They start hitting me, and me, crawling in a little ball.

"What's going on in there? This is staff security!" I can tell it was Ronnie. The girls run out, only to find Ronnie. "Oh hey Ronnie.." They both say, running a finger threw a strand of their hair, blushing. "They are looking for you, get to class." he says, in such a demanding voice.

The girls run upstairs.

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