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I'm back- Finally 😂

But here's the next chapter! Sorry it took so long!

-Adora's POV:

"....Catra? W-What are you doing here?" I said nervously...

Her excited face quickly turned into an emotionless one as she shrugged and looked away...

I bit my lip and looked at her feeling guilty..

'Did my words really hurt her? Oh no- what if she's mad at me! Ugh I'm so stupid- Why did I have to be so.... harsh! She- She didn't deserve to be rejected like that..... Plus, she's a great kisser... Her lips were really soft............ UGH! Focus!' I shook my head and stood up, feeling a bit dizzy...

"I think she's awake!" A voice screamed from outside the cell, making Catra gasp and quickly tap on the panel next to my cell...

The holographic barrier keeping me inside disappeared and Catra quickly took my hand, guiding me away from the voices...

"......Just so you know, this is not because I like you." Catra muttered, as she pulled me toward a door...

I couldn't help but tease her a little...

"Suuuure..... and you totally don't wanna hold my hand a bit longer so you could enjoy the moment more~?" I said with a knowing smile...

"W-WHAT! N O!" She screamed as her tail puffed up and she quickly let go of my hand, crossing her arms with her face a crimson red...

I giggled a little, but it soon turned into a frown...

'I feel so.... guilty- And..... what if Light Hope was right? What if I really do love her back? What do I even do then?'

Catra continued looking down with a pout and her eyebrows furrowed...

'...Cute...' I thought...

She looked up and we met eyes, causing my cheeks to burn and for me to look away...

'Why am I nervous? I'm never nervous! Wtf is happening- and why didn't I deny it? I mean- yeah she's cute but I don't love her... right???'

"Hey! She's escaped!" A voice screamed, cutting me from my thoughts...

"There's no time! Come on!" Catra whispered as she quickly opened the door and she ran toward the endless hallway, with me close in tow...

-Catra's POV:

I hate this.

I hate how I'm helping her escape.

I hate how I don't want to see her hurt.

I hate how she hurt me.

I hate how even though she hurt me, my heart still runs a marathon when I'm around her...

I hate that I blush around her...

I hate how hot she looks when she runs...


I have to stop!

This- This one sided crush has gotten out of hand!

And now I'm going against the Horde's back to help She-ra escape???

What am I doing???

I stopped at a corner, panting and out of breath from all the running as I felt my heart ache...

Come back to me... -Catradora [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now