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(Gore warning)
"Stupid!" Lee thought wildly to himself. "I was so stupid to give out my location!" Last time lee hosted potterwatch, he accidentally gave out his location, and he regrets it. Fred and lee were running deep into the Forrest from two death eaters. "Crucio!" One of them shot a curse that flew right by Lee's ear. Lee felt the tree branches whip his face, he might of ran through a thorn bush because he felt blood dripping down his calves.
Lee knew this Forrest. It's the Forrest that George and lee would sneak off in to snog in the moonlight, the one where he first started potterwatch in. Lee shot a curse behind him and thought he hit one. Lee couldn't see Fred in front of him anymore, his legs were aching and so was his chest. Lee suddenly lost balance over something and tripped over it. He fell to the ground and shouted in pain. He felt something sharp penetrate the side of his calve. He whimpered and tried not to cry out.
He listened carefully for the death eaters. He heard faint shouting. "Where did they go!?" The first one shouted angrily. "I lost them dammit! I heard one shout loudly not far from here, we can keep looking!" The second one responded and Lee's blood ran cold. "Were the fuck did Fred go?" Lee thought. He listened for Fred, for crunching leaves, but he heard nothing but the two death eaters. Lee look down at his calve and felt his stomach flip. His entire calve, ankle, and foot were covered in scarlet blood. There was a deep gash caused by a broken bottle. Lee felt so much pain in his leg it took all his will power not to cry and scream.
He needed to get to safety. Lee thought quickly. "The tent! The fucking tent, why didn't I think earlier!" Lee and the twins set up a tent in the Forrest. It was a safe place for when a situation like this happened. "Just apparate here when you have no where to go," He remembered George saying. Lee looked down at his leg. Could he do it with his injury?
"I think I see him!" Lee couldn't breath as he heard the first death eater shout it out. He quickly tried to stand up but grit his teeth and felt tears roll down his eyes and almost sobbed at the pain his injured leg caused. He gripped a tree branch, stood on one leg, and apparated to the safe tent.
When he got to the tent, he automatically heard screaming and shouting coming from inside and froze instantly. He fell to the Forrest floor because of his leg and whimpered loudly.
"How could you just leave him with those death eaters, you fucking idiot!!??" A familiar voice screamed.
"Keep your damn voice down, someone might hear us!"
"He hasn't returned and he could be dead thanks to your selfish arse!"
"I wasn't thinking straight, I would've helped him, but I couldn't turn back, he was-"
Lee knew the voices and shouted out. "Guys, I'm here!" The voices stopped instantly and he heard the tent unzip quickly. "Lee!" George shouted and fell to the floor next to his love. "What the hell happened!?" Fred asked. His eyes were wide as he eyed Lee's gash. His blood boiled. "I CAN ASK YOU THE SAME DAMN THING!" From what he has collected, Fred left him, and he wasn't happy about it. "He's been yelled at enough, get the first aid kit, Fred!" George surveyed Lee's cut. "Ohhh, Merlin's beard, Lee." George mumbled, looking at the cut. Lee shouted in pain and sobbed. "It's ok, it's ok, shhh..." George tried to gently lift up Lee's blood covered pant leg, but lee shouted in agony and swatted George's hand away.
Fred returned with the first aid kit. He looked at the deep gash on Lee's shaking leg and back at George. "Your gonna have to talk him through it." Fred said. "Talk him through it?" George repeated. Fred kneeled down next to Lee's leg. "George, come here." George kneeled next to Fred. "I think I still see the piece of glass in there, I need to get it out and it's gonna hurt, so distract him from it." Fred whispered to him. George looked at his poor love and it broke his heart to see him in so much pain.
"Come here, love." George said softly and lifted the whimpering lee onto his lap. Lee was shaking all over and crying. "I-is it g-gonna hurt?" Lee asked. George kissed Lee's forehead. "No love, you'll be ok, everything will be ok." George spoke in a soft, reassuring tone. Fred looked closely and he saw a sea green piece of glass stuck in the bleeding wound. The flesh around the wound looked dirty and Fred was afraid of it getting an infection. He reached into the kit and pulled out a pair of tweezers. George saw what he was about to do and he kissed Lee's cheek. "It's gonna be ok, lee, lets talk about something else, ok, love?" Lee whimpered and nodded, covering his eyes.
"Do you remember our first date, love?" George asked softly, holding Lee's shaking hand. Fred carefully gripped the piece of glass with the tweezers and gently tugged. Lee flinched and shouted in pain. Fred lost grip. "It's ok, it's ok, lets bring our focus back, do you remember our first date?" George asked, letting lee squeeze his hand. " the l-Lincoln park, w-was it?" Lee answered, whimpering in pain. Fred clasped the piece of glass again and tried to take it out carefully, but it was deep in there. "Yeah, you looked beautiful in the moonlight, we stayed on the swings for hours, remember what happened next?" Lee did remember this day. Him and George swayed on the swings silently until he turned to lee and said "so, why did you wanna hang out?" Lee looked down shyly and shrugged, "cuz I like you." He mumbled. "Oh." George said breathlessly. Moments passed before George looked up again. "Would it be ok if I kissed you?" He asked.
Lee was painfully brought back to reality as Fred tugged hard and lee shouted out in agony. "It's alright, love! He's got it, he just needs to clean it, it's ok, go back to what you were telling me, love." George said softly and kissed lee. Apparently, lee was thinking out loud. "You a-asked if it was ok t-to kiss me, a-and I said yes." Lee remembered it crystal clear. The kiss was everything. George grabbed the chain on Lee's swing and pulled him closer. Their lips stayed inches apart for a moment before lee gently connected them into the most blissful kiss he ever had. George's lips were soft and warm and he could kiss them for hours, so that's what they did. They went back to Lee's car and snogged for hours.
Before lee knew it, Fred was done cleaning the cut, lee got so wrapped up in telling George about how amazing the kiss was, time went by quickly. He felt a stinging pain in his leg and and whimpered a lot, while still squeezing George's hand. George couldn't feel his hand anymore, but that was ok. "Yeah, your lips look so kissable that was the only thing on my mind that night." He chuckled. Fred was done putting the ointment on the cut and was pouring some on a cotton pad. He applied the pad to Lee's cut gently and wrapped it with bandages, he tied a piece of cloth above it to stop the bleeding and wrapped it up with extra bandages just in case.
"It's gonna hurt to walk on, so don't put pressure on it." Fred ordered. George cleaned Lee's face and lee used bandaids for his other cuts. George wrapped lee in his arms. "I was so worried about you, love." He whispered into Lee's ear. "It's ok,I'm here now." They both embraced each other and George helped lee onto one of the mattresses. George gently showered Lee's face in kisses and lee ran his fingers through George's hair. "...I'm so sorry, lee, I didn't mean to leave you behind, I was scared." Fred apologized. " it's ok, Fred, you already made up for it." Lee gestured to his bandaged leg. "Oh, r-right, hows it feeling?" He asked. "Stinging and sore." He responded sourly. "I'm just glad your ok." George responded and buried his face into Lee's neck.

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