Part 28

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You and brad are finally in the hospital you have all your monitors set up and have your drip attached to you you have had some pain relief and it is kind of working brad is on the phone to your parents whilst holding your hand his parents are already on their way and yours are now you don't want to bother Kevin and Justin so you are going to wait until the baby is born.the midwife has checked and you are 6cm dilated which is really quick since your waters only broke an hour ago.
You-i need to push
Brad-if you need to push I'll hold your hand the whole time i love you
You-i love you AHHHHH
Midwife-ill just check how many cm you are to see if we can get you started
The midwife checks and she looks surprised
Midwife-you are actually 10cm we will get you started now
You have been pushing for the last 19 minutes and the pain is becoming tiring
You-i cant do it
Brad-you can come on lets see our little girl
you hear a baby cry and you feel so much relief that your little girl is finally here the midwife gives her too you and you and brad are both crying and brad kisses you and looks at your little girl
You-what do you think of everleigh for a name
Brad-perfect for this little angel
The midwife takes her away to run the checks
Brad-I'm so proud of you
You-she looks so much like you with her dark curly hair
Brad-I've noticed she has your eyes tho
You-me and everleigh don't even have the same colour eyes
Brad-i wasn't talking about the colour i was on about the look she gives
You-i love you so much
Brad-i love you more
The midwife comes back with eveleigh i her little onesie you chose out for her to wear when she is born
Midwife-she weighed 6'6 I'll leave you to have some alone time with your daughter
Brad-hey i have a question
Brad gets down on 1 knee and pulls out a black leather box from his pocket
Brad- y/n i have loved you ever since i laid eyes on you and i have wanted to do this since y/n please will you be my wife

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