Part 22

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brad-everything will be ok
you-have you even saw these comments no ones happy about it
brad-but we are why should we care what other people think its not their life it ours are family support us and only the true fans do why should we care about anything else when we are happy
Derek-we are vey happy and im proud
brad-thank you but im going to go home then take y/n out I think she needs it
Anne Marie- ok see you soon love you
brad-love you too mom

as soon as you both get outside you breakdown and feel unable to breath and drop to the floor slowly

brad-forget about us going out we can go to the shop and maccies we will go back to mine and watch all the films you want you will fall asleep on me and I will play with your hair as you sleep I will be there when you wake up i will make you nutella pancakes and you will eat them in bed because you don't need to get out of bed and also when we get home im sorting out a pile of hoodies for you and you need to promise me to not look on social media
you-I promise

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