Part 15

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Its a couple of hours later and you are all getting ready to go on stage
Blake-excited about getting a bump
You-i honestly cant wait i think they are so cute and once i get one I'm going to always wear tight clothes
Brad-we should get one of them baby bump moulds where are hands are on your bump
You-i would love that
Its 7:30 and new hope club have just gone on the stage and shawn is backstage getting ready to go on after the boys
Tristan- i always thought James would of been the first to be a dad
James-why me (he laughs)
Con-i had the same feeling
James-but brad you will be an amazing dad
Brad-i hope so
You-i know you will be your already an amazing boyfriend and even though you are 19 you will be the best dad i know
He lifts up your top a little and kisses your belly and puts his hands on your belly while standing behind you
Its now 8:10
Brad-Time for us to go on stage
You-good luck from the both of us
Brad-cant wait till i dance with the both of you
You-i think our baby will be a singer and dancer with us as parents
You give him a soft kiss on the lips and he goes onto stage
Brad-so as you all may know i have the most beautiful girlfriend and she is also the best dancer so y/n come join us
You walk onto the stage and everyone is screaming as you come on
He starts singing rest your love and you remember brad writing down words what sounded like the lyrics after he asked you to be his you start dancing and brad is very gentle with you and its so sweet. You dance to a couple of songs and you feel very tired so you decide to go off stage
Brad- see you in a bit
You-love you
Brad-love you too
Brad has so many hidden talents you look on stage and he is having a drum battle with tris and it sounds so amazing and he looks so perfect when he is performing and the thought that he is yours makes you blush
Shawn-good on the drums isn't he
You-i don't understand how he is so good at everything
Shawn-he is brad simpson its in his blood

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