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 It was Thursday afternoon and it was pretty normal for Mackenzie. She was at home after a long day of school, doing dishes while her younger brothers played on their video game systems. 

   She was the oldest of the 3 so she took on most of the chores. She looked up from the dishwater when the youngest walked in. 

    "Hey sis, you got a package from Amazon.''

   "Oh, thanks Bryce. Just place it on the counter."

   She told him before returning back to the dishes as he did what he was told. Mackenzie loved old antique things. So it wasn't unusual for her to get a package here and there. 

   Bryce was the youngest sibling in the house. Only reaching her mid torso. Placing him somewhere around 4'2. He had chestnut colored hair that was somewhat long. Not long enough to brush but not short enough to not be taken care of.

   Bryce had white skin that seemed to have been kissed by the moon itself. He had Hazel colored eyes that shined like small stars. He was currently wearing one of his gamer shirts and was walking around in a pair of boxers. Bryce was the gamer of the family, having beat all the games in the house more than once.

   Honestly Bryce was the sweetest and most polite kid you'd ever meet. But he is lazy to a good extent from being slightly spoiled as the baby in the house. 

   Once she had finished the dishes, she dried her hands. Once completely dry she placed down the hand towel and picked up the package, carefully opening it and taking out the contents. She pulled out a black pocket watch on a black necklace chain. It was engraved with doors and rose vines, a crown resting on top of the doors, four pointed stars around the edge of the design. 

   "Hello beautiful."

   She mumbled as she ran her fingers over the design. For some reason, it gave off a strange feeling, as if something was off about it. She couldn't tell what it was though. Regardless, she slipped it on over her head. 

   Just as it landed on her chest, she felt a cold wind pass her. She could have sworn that someone said, 

   "You can continue what I started young one."

   Looking around, she saw no signs of anyone in the kitchen with her. She sighed, figuring it was her mind playing tricks on her. She walked off, going to finish her chores for the day, oblivious to the slight figure of a disoriented woman with the craziest look in her eyes and a wicked grin on her face vanishing.

The Pocket Watch Killer(Original creepy pasta story) Where stories live. Discover now