A Normal Day

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   This is a story about a young girl named Mackenzie. She was a strange girl. Always in her room, watching something crazy, or being just plain creepy.

   She always wore the same type of clothing. A nice pair of stretchy pants that fit just right, a loose fitting top, and mismatch socks. She wore her long dark purple in a loose ponytail, her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose in front of her chocolate brown eyes.

   She had skin that was rich in the color carmel. She had some acne here and there on her face but not much. She was a little large for her size in the weight region so she was a tad chubby.

   Her ears were a normal size. She had a nose that was a little too wide for her liking. She had unkept bushy eyebrows that give her a laid back feeling, showing that she could be a pretty chill girl.

   She had long legs that was literally the only thing that gave her height, putting her around 5'6. She was your average normal 16 year old teenager.

   But, things started changing when she got her pocket watch. This is the story of how a once kind girl, turned into the biggest serial killer of 2019, known as The Pocket Watch Killer

The Pocket Watch Killer(Original creepy pasta story) Where stories live. Discover now