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Hey all! Here's a quick recap of what's happened so far to catch you all up on what's happened since it's been so long since the last update. This way you don't have to go back and re-read (even though I recommend doing so ;) ). Enjoy!

I'm tired of sitting back and letting life happen.

I keep my head down and do what's expected of me, but lately, it's not enough to make me happy. Good grades and getting into graduate school do little to keep me warm at night. No, at night I see him. Brandon is what I need. The sexy, brown-skinned quarterback has been on my radar from the day we met. I don't know for sure if he's the one, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to find out. Too bad Brandon is untouchable. Just being close to him causes my throat to close and my brain refuses to function.  I'm out of my league on this one. Luckily, Brandon's best friend owes me a favor and I know exactly how he can pay me back. I just have to get him to agree...

Drew knows how to have fun. The handsome jock walks around campus like he owns the place. He doesn't have a care in the world, and why would he? He's white, can have any female he wants and has me to do his homework. But my help comes at a price... 

Teach me everything I need to know to hook the man of my dreams. 

With some hesitation, Drew takes the deal. Lucky me... I think... I expect to learn some social skills so I can talk to Brandon without freezing, maybe some advice on making better wardrobe choices. Instead, Drew took my lessons to a whole new level. I saw myself through his eyes and to him I was beautiful just the way I was. Drew and I grow closer in our time together. Too close. 

We slept together. 

So I bet you're wondering if I slept with Drew, why not just be with him? Well, my answer to that is... it's not that simple. 

I can't deny my feelings for Drew but things are moving so fast, I don't know what any of it means yet. And if you know anything about me, you'd know I don't like not knowing. When I look at Drew, I don't see happily-ever-after. All I see is someone who's down for a good time. Drew knew what he signed up for, and now he's trying to flip the script. I get the feeling he's had ulterior motives from the beginning, which makes me uneasy. Not to mention, my mother would never approve of our relationship. 

Could we have something long-term? I just don't know. 

Drew asks me to give him a chance, so we go on a date and he pulls out all the stops. There we are, in an exclusive restaurant, eating food that probably cost as much as my rent. He's telling me all about his philosophy on life and I realize there's more to him than he led me to believe. He's not just a dumb jock. We begin to connect on a level I never have with a guy before. Then he gets a call. His brother, James, has been arrested.

Thanks to some quick thinking and a little sass on my part, Drew's rebellious baby brother, gets released with little more than a slap on the wrist. We drop James off at the frat house to keep him out of trouble. Drew isn't ready for our night to end and neither am I, so he invites me in. We get to the door, we're feeling good, moving toward something that feels inevitable, and then... Brandon shows up!

Jealous, Drew storms off leaving me feeling torn. I used to think nothing got under Drew's skin. I was wrong. Drew and I had a deal and this was not part of the plan. I guess where matters of the heart are concerned, there are no rules... 

Author's Note: Thanks for your patience while I deal with life and get my shit in order. Update coming in a few days! 

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