Chapter 4

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I walked across campus, still reeling from what Drew told me earlier.

It was impossible to think of anything else. He'd made a bet with someone and kissing me was the prize. My mind was blown. Was it crazy to think that Brandon was on the other side of that bet? I shook my head. Of course it was crazy. Drew was obviously just screwing with me and even if he was telling the truth, there's no way Brandon was a part of that bet. He could have any girl he wanted, he didn't need to play those games.

I heard yelling nearby and realized I'd walked to the stadium. I was thinking about Brandon, did I subconsciously bring myself here? I could hear the team doing drills inside. The prospect of seeing Brandon again was too much to resist and I headed through the stadium gates to watch them practice.

I took a seat in the bleachers close enough to the field to have a good view of everything, but far enough away that I didn't draw attention to myself. I scanned the stadium and immediately locked eyes with Drew, who stopped what he was doing to give me a silly grin. I blushed and waved. Leave it to Drew to spot me when I was trying to be inconspicuous.

Brandon entered my line of sight and my cheeks burned. He looked at Drew and followed his line of sight to me and my cheeks burned even hotter. My gaze lowered. I didn't know why he had this effect on me. Everything about Brandon went against what I stood for as a strong, independent, black woman. I tried to analyze my attraction to Brandon. I needed to understand why it had to be him. He wasn't that smart from what I could tell, his personality was average, I guess, he never seemed to have anything particularly interesting to say ever, but goddammit if he wasn't the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. That touchable, caramel skin, dreamy, dark brown eyes, and shiny, soft waves, along with that quarterback body. Perfectly long and lean. I could watch him run circles with no shirt on around the other players all day. He was God's gift as far as I was concerned. Which was hard for me to admit. Brandon represented everything I hated about the media and college culture, but I was still drawn to him and was helpless to do anything about it. That was a depressing revelation since it meant that even with all my talk, I was still a slave to my hormones just like everyone else. What it all boiled down to was, I had no more control over my body than a teenage boy.

Brandon and Drew ran plays together while I watched. I wasn't going to pretend to know anything about football, but I'd watch Brandon race up and down the football field all day. He called play after play and Drew followed his lead. Brandon threw the ball and Drew caught it every time no matter how close or far away they were. It's like they were reading each other's minds. The team continued to run plays and Brandon showcased his speed, outrunning everyone on the field. A few minutes later, the coach came out onto the field and told the guys to take a break. Everyone scattered. I was curious about where Brandon would go and I watched him head straight for the cheerleaders practicing nearby. When he got there, he put his arm around one of the blondes. He moved in close and whispered something in her ear. She looked up at him, bit her lip, and nodded. He beamed and I felt my heart tighten in my chest.

He'd never been that way with me. Why would he? I had no idea what it took to attract a guy like him. I scanned the cheerleaders. What was it about them? Did I have to know how to cheer to capture his attention? Or was it the short skirts and heavy makeup? It was a while before I noticed Drew standing at the foot of the bleachers staring up at me. I had no idea how long he'd been there. He came over.

"Got something on your mind, nerd? Or should I say someone?" My gaze went back to Brandon involuntarily. Drew smirked. "For real, Ally? Him? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. I wouldn't think Brandon was your type?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really? You don't know what I'm talking about?" He took a seat too close to me. "First you tell me you didn't like that kiss at Franky's, and now you're trying to act like you don't like Brandon when it's written all over your face. Lying is for cowards, Ally. So, tell me. What are you afraid of?"


He shook his head, disappointed. "Another lie. Don't worry, I won't press it, but you should know he's not the guy for you."

That stung. "Why not?"

"He's just not. Trust me. Why you would want to associate with someone like him anyway?"

"Why wouldn't I? I associate with you, don't I?"

He glared at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Hey Drew, are you coming?" a sickeningly high-pitched voice called over to us from the cheerleader section.

"Yeah, Drew. We need you," another cheerleader chimed in.

"I'll be there in a sec," he called back without taking his eyes off me.

"You don't need to stay on my account."

"They can wait. Tell me what you meant."

Honestly, I didn't feel like getting into it with Drew. I didn't need my thoughts and feelings analyzed by some jock that needed to cheat off me to pass his class. I grabbed my books.

"I didn't mean anything. I gotta go. See you around."

He didn't try to stop me as I climbed down the bleachers and I was grateful. Instead, he linked up with Brandon and the cheerleaders. One ran right up to Drew. He draped an arm over her shoulder and she snaked her arm around his waist. The move was so smooth, so in sync, like they'd done it a million times before.

I stomped off, upset, and I had no clue why. I didn't care what Drew did with those cheerleaders. I just wish I knew what it was about those girls that pulled in guys like flies to honey. Then a light bulb clicked on.

This wasn't rocket science, but there was a method behind what these girls do. I just needed to know what it was. I couldn't believe I didn't think of this before. The ease with which Drew mingled with those cheerleaders was exactly the guidance I needed. He would know more than anyone the kind of girl Brandon wanted and what I had to do to be her. My stomach fluttered, excitement flowed through my veins. I was going to put it all on the line, but Brandon was worth it. I was tired of yearning. I will make him mine.

And Drew was going to help me.


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