Chapter 5- USJ

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The lights from inside the building almost blinded Izuku the moment he steped through the warp portal. The sight at the USJ was so much different from were they had been beforehand. It was big and inspiring, truely fit for training soon to be heros.

From far Izuku could see the class beginning to see the villains entrance,  but it had taken a while before they noticed it was an emergency and acted accordingly. Eraser head was the first to make a move running ahead to fight the villains. But the students hadn't been as quick and fell into Kurogiri's warp portal. Each of them being sent to different parts of the building. There was only one problem All might was not there. But Izuku had planned for this.

Seeing as the first step of the plan had been a succes Izuku quickly went to sit down near Tomura and pulled out his laptop to watch how everything was going. Quickly hacking in to the system Izuku saw everything from the students to the villain and even the teachers further ahead. This way if anything went wrong he would be able to make changes in the plan or warn Tomura and Kurogiri of the problem. While Izuku did not need to fight he had one of the most exausting jobs. It was not exactly easy to look at multiple different cameras and look for any signs of trouble. Which meant that All might would need to arrive fairly quickly or else his body would not make it the entire time without having another fit.

Fearing that All might could still be far away he started hacking everywhere near the USJ just looking for the hero. Finally seeing the hero he calmed down, while the hero was still a distance away it would take maybe ten minutes at most for him to arrive.

Other than the All might problem everything was going well. The young heros in training were doing quite well against the villains, but the villains were only meant to be distractions from the real target.

Suddenly one student had managed to escape. Kurogiri was obviously taken of guard and rushed over to Tomura's side to tell him of the escape.

"You let one escape!" Tomura yelled clearly enraged by the news. But his anger did not last long as Izuku spoke up.

" Don't worry, in fact this is quite the avantage for us! With this All might will get here faster and now my invention will be of use. That being said, Kurogiri can you warp it here." Izuku had said pointing at an alley way between UA highschool and USJ. " We will intercept him here after he runs into All might."

Following Izuku's request Kurogiri opened a warp portal and waited for Izuku's prized invention to walk through.

Izuku was quite proud of his newest invention. He had made a humanoid robot with fighting capabilities, in case something went wrong during the attack. He had also made it to ease Tomura's worry. If anything were to try and attack him the robot would protect him at all cost. But this predicament made Izuku quite happy, since now his invention would be able to help them succed in this attack. Now Izuku needed to send a picture of the student that escaped and it would fight him when he pased by. It was not garantied that it would defeat the young hero but it would give them some time.

While Izuku was distracted things had turned more violent. Some student had defeated the villains in their respective disaster zone and they were forces to watch as their teacher was getting his skull crushed by nomu. Spoting the students Tomura rushes towards them and reaches his hand towards the girls face. But the beaten and brused teacher had managed to erase his quirk before it tomura placed his hand on the girls face.

It would be a lie to say that Izuku wasn't slightly relieved. Izuku loved Tomura with all his heart, but he hated when Tomura used his quirk to kill. Because he knew his brother was good deep down and his quirk could be used for more than evil. But Izuku didn't have the strengh to give them a better life.

Looking down at the screen Izuku could only let out a a small " All might" before a hole had been created in the wall and the hero said his signature phrase.

The arrival of the symbol of peace sent an air of relief across the entire building. By this point the students had managed to all defeat the villains used as decoy, but this would not make a big dent in their plan. After all there is no way All might would allow his students to fight nomu.

Tomura was pleased with the arrival of the symbol of peace and ordered nomu to attack. The beginning of the fight had gone as expected All might began to fight nomu. And the most powerful of the students had gone and helped their teacher fight but after one student almost got killed by nomu. All might made them leave.

What was unexpected was what happened afterwards. All might had been staying a safe distance away from the nomu while still getting some punches in. His struggle made Tomura laugh at the man and he had begun to exclaim " You fool, nomu doesn't just have regeneration he also has shock absor" realizing Tomura's mistake Izuku tried to stop him from saying anything more by covering his mouth and sending him a glare. However Izuku had not been fast enough, All might heard what he needed.

Turning towards Tomura Izuku yelled "Why did you say that!" This only confused Tomura.

Cutting in All might explained while punching nomu non stop " Even thought nomu is powerful, shock absorbtion is not perfect there is alway a limit to how much it can absorb." By the end of his speech nomu was sent flying out of USJ and the students cheered at All might's succes.

As if the situation hadn't been bad enough his laptop had beeped indicating that his robot had been distroyed.

Izuku looked at his laptop screen once more and saw the heros about to enter the building. Kurogiri and Tomura were getting ready to retreat while the heros entered the building and did not see them. Seeing as one hero took aim Izuku yelled "Tomura!" And ran in front of his brother sheilding his from the uncoming bullets. As he ignored his body telling him to stop as his exaustion started to take its toll.

When the bullets finally came he had been shot four times one in arm and three hit his legs. With his last bit of strengh he pushed Tomura towards Kurogiri before falling over and told them to go. Tomura was not pleased in the slightest and refused" Are you crazy we wont leave you with these heros"

Once again Izuku demanded they leave" Kurogiri take Tomura and go i'll be okay!" Listening to Izuku he grabed Tomura and went in the portal. Before disapearing completly Izuku heard Kurogiri say "we will get you back just you wait"

The exaustion Izuku had been feeling had finally taken over. The adrenalin he felt before disapeared and was replased with extreme pain. Not only from the gun wounds he had just received but a more familiar pain was their as well. The long awaited attack had finally come and caused Izuku's body to vomit blood right before shuting down all together. The bright light from the building he had seen before blinded him before everything became dark.

Hi everyone! I am so sorry it took so long to update I am planning on writing the next chapter this month, so hopefully it wont take as long to update. I don't know about you but I am feeling quite proud of this chapter. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any advise I would love to hear it! Have a nice day and see you soon!

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