All is forgiven {REQUEST}

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This is a personal imagine for Hannah (:

"That's great, Lilly." I smile at my beautiful daughter. I'm sitting at the table, watching her color.

"Thanks, Mommy." She smiles.

"Who are you drawing?" I ask.

"This is Me, this is you, and this is Daddy." She says pointing to the different circles and scribbles on the paper.

"That's beautiful, Lilly. It looks just like us." I kiss her forehead. Then I hear the door slam.

"I think Daddy's home." I smile at her.

"Yay, Daddy!" She screams and runs out of the room to go meet Luke at the door.

"Not now, princess." I hear him say. He doesn't seem like he's in a good mood.

"What's wrong, Luke." I lean against the counter waiting for a reply. Lilly grabs onto Luke's leg and stares up at him.

"I said not now, okay?" He says to her. She gets up and frowns.

"How about you go put these colors back in their drawer while me and Daddy talk, okay?" I hand her the box of crayons. She smiles and skips away.

"Alright, so did something happen?" I ask.

"Yeah." He sighs, getting a cup out of the cabinet.

"Well, are you gonna tell me what happened?" I asked, getting annoyed. He just looks at me, and pours him a glass of water. He leans against the sink in front of me.

"Today I-" He starts, when Lilly runs in the room, and grabs his leg again. This time not letting go, no matter what Luke does. He finally gets really annoyed with her and screams at her.

"Lilly, I said this is not the time! now stop!" He yells.

"Luke," I scream at him, "don't you scream at her. She was just trying to play with you, 'cause she hasn't seen you all day."

She runs out of the room crying.

"You should be ashamed of yourself." I tell him. He looks at me, realizing what he just did.

"I so sorry, princess, come here." He says, chasing after her. When he catches her, he kneels down and hugs her tight.

"Daddy's so sorry, he didn't mean to scream at you." He says, now sitting in the floor with her in his lap, hugging her.

I walk over to them, kneel down, and hug them. We're having a big group hug.

"I'm sorry, Hannah, I didn't mean to scream at her." He says, taking my hand.

"All is forgiven." I smile. He smiles back and presses his lips to mine.

"Ewww" Lilly scrunched up her nose, looking at us. We had her squashed in between us. We pull away laughing.

"I have an idea." Luke smiles.

"What is it Daddy?" Lilly asks.

"Let's go get some ice cream." He says poking her nose. She giggles, and we get up off the floor, he grabs his wallet, and we head out the door.

"So, what happened at work today?" I ask him.

"It doesn't matter." He smiles, his sweet smile. I'm so glad I married him 8 years ago. He is the sweetest man ever. We get in the car and drive to the ice cream shop.

Hope you like it, Hannah (:

I didn't know what you wanted y'alls daughter to be named, so I just picked a random name. And I also like the name Lilly, so, yeah..But just think of it: Luke, Hannah & Lilly (: sounds great to me! :D

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