What kind of boyfriend he'd be

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Michael: He'd be the really protective kind. He'd do anything to protect you and make you feel safe. But he'd also be really cute and cuddly. He may look all punk on the outside, but on the inside, he's a cuddly teddy bear.

Luke: He'd be the cheesy, yet cute kind. He'd always be using these cheesy pickup lines on you. And when one didn't go how he thought, he'd get all embarrassed. But then you'd kiss him and he'd be confident again.

Calum: He'd be the physical kind. He'd always have to be touching you; whether he was holding your hand, had his hand on your leg or his arm around you.

Ashton: He'd be the really sweet, funny and caring kind. He'd do anything to keep you happy. There'd never be a dull moment when he's with you. He'd always be making a joke or doing something to make you laugh. If you're sad, and he can't get to you, he'll call you and won't hang up til you're happy again.

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