part 18-

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Michael's POV

My phone wouldn't stop ringing I much of fell asleep some point during night, Shanice still hadn't come back.

Looking ah my phone it was an unknown number

"Hello?" I said answering I don't normally answer unknown numbers but something in my gut told me to this one time
" Is this Mr Carrick?" They asked
"Yes this is he" I replied
"We have you down for emergency contact for your daughter Shanice Jade Carrick"
"What's happened?"
"Sir, she's being involved in a car wreck with a drunk driver she's on her way to hospital if you would like to meet her there." I've never got ready so quickly, texting ole that I won't be at training, I left the house leaving Ella with the two little ones and telling her I would keep her updated, my next phone call was Luke. As much as I know he doesn't like me right now Shanice would want him either there or to at least know.

I phoned him a couple times he didn't answer as I expected at it was 4am.
"Welcome to the O2 voicemail service" come on Luke answer please.

After about the seven try he answered, sound tried.
"Look I know you dislike me right now but this is for Shanice"
"What's happened?"
"She's in hospital, drunk driver hit her"
"I'm on my way" with that he hung up. I arrived at the hospital waiting room chairs are comfortable but that couldn't tell me a thing yet.

Who's daughter? - Luke ShawKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat