part 15 -

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*Shanice's POV*

I was just scrolling down twitter when I saw a tweet from luke, I read it a few times, my heart broke every time I read it.
'so the pictures In the papers today as just me being a young lad, nothing more, nothing less, we all live and learn'

Ella walked in the one of my young sisters.
"Hey can you keep and eye on Essie while I take Abbie the doctor's?" I didn't make eye contact just nodded she soon left while Essie was upstairs playing I typed a message to Luke.
"So I'm just a mistake? I live and learn? Cool."

I didn't expect a reply and that's exactly what I got.

*Luke's POV*

After training I looked at my phone, shanice's message broke my heart, I wish I could tell her it was all her dad but I can't.
"You okay mate?" Mata asked "saw the tweet, must say we were all thinking Miss Carrick was more then that to you" I just shrugged my shoulders, grabbing my back and walking off to my car. I just wanted to forget about today.

Who's daughter? - Luke ShawWhere stories live. Discover now