part 13-

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"SHANICE" I heard my dad shout from his office
"SHANICE CARRICK, GET HERE RIGHT NOW" well I'm in the shit. It was the following day and I got back from Luke's without dad knowing anything , I popped my head round the door to his office he spotted me.
"Care to explain something?" I was none of the wiser.
"Explain what?" I asked
"This?" He showed me pictures of the night out with the football lads that wasn't the problem the one he had a problem with was the one of me and luke in a taxi kissing.
"Oh" was all I said
"Oh? Is that all you can say?" He asked
"You can't even see it's me?"
"That's not the point Shanice I told you no"
"I can't help who I fall for dad. I can't help that my heart has picked luke"
"It was a one night stand" he shouted
"No it wasn't because dad before this we have been on a few dates."
"I'm gonna kill him"
"Dad, I'm sorry, but I've fell for Luke Shaw, I didn't want it to happen or plan for it to happen it just did. He reminds me of you. What's the saying girls normally go for fellas who are like their dads? Something like that anyway" he nodded
"Doesn't mean I can't kill him, these pictures are every where Shanice"
"Once again don't know it's me, you only know because you know me."
"Once again still not the point"
"What's the point then dad? Tell me don't keep me in the dark anymore" he sighed
"The point is, Luke is gonna either have to come out and say the girl, you is his girlfriend which I don't like or say it was a silly one night stand and he's just a kid which make mistakes for image wise which I don't like either because my own daughter isn't a mistake" oh so that was his problem
"I need to talk to luke" he said leaving me in his office taking his phone to training with him.

Who's daughter? - Luke ShawWhere stories live. Discover now