Chapter 9:alyssa

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We all laughed and enthused about the event that had just occurred until we exited the doors outside there was a full on swat team. "Freeze! Put your hands in the air!" One said, we obeyed, "you are here bye under arrest for resisting your government and destruction of security." "They were killing innocent people!" Argued Blake, "the governments the government kid, president George's rules." Said the man, "get in the damn van kids!" So we were forced into the van by the swat and driven off to prison. In the back, Benjamin, Blake, Jennifer, and I were crammed onto a bench with Benjamin and Jennifer holding hands and whimpering about being arrested. Nick, Sirus, Marylyn and Marcus were in the middle with the other lovebirds doing the same. Marin had awoke now so it was a little better to be doing it all together. Everyone was quiet and looked at their feet as to forget all of this was happening.

We drove for about three hours in total silence until we eventually got to a big metal building about ten stories high with the same glowing blue window. There was a huge gate with barbed wire on top surrounding the facility. We drove through a gate and into a parking lot where the swat escorted us inside where they they stripped us of our belongings and sent us into a room where we were escorted into sac going booths and were given our traditional orange jumpsuits, they hadn't changed since the movies I'd seen and now I got to put it on. When I was finished I walked out and the security escorted me to my cell. When we opened the door to the main part of the prison it was like I was hit with a wave of sound. Yells and screams filled my ears as I walked to my cell. When I arrived nick Blake and Marylyn were all in the same cell. I was rudely shoved in and the guard went out and pulled a lever causing the door to come down like the bars on roller coasters. "I'm sorry, I'm so very, very, sorry" Blake said. "Don't take it on yourself, it wasn't your fault," Nicholas said. We were quiet until a guard came and said, "dinner time." Was it already dinner? It seemed like we had just gotten in but we'd been there for four hours! We were escorted to the stairs and sent on our own into the sea of aliens and criminals.

As we walked through the center of the open area people and aliens alike gave us strange looks. Some had pink skin, sine had blue, they all had the same suits as us but none looked as forgiving as us. We sat at a table and soon after the others joined. "Hey punks," a muscular blue alien man said as he walked towards us, "you the new meat, hey guys new meat!" And with that five mire guys just like him came at us.

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