Till Death Do Us Part

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At this point everyone had gotten back to the house. Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan lay on the brink of Death. 

Lucinda: Okay, so everyone is accounted for except the parents,Mellissa and Garroth. Maybe she is with them.

(Aaron begins to cry more so than hebalready was from aphmau being almost dead)

Lucinda: She is with them isent she? (tears build up in her eyes)

(Aaron is crying to much to speak)

Kawaii-chan: N-no, S-she was s-shot by the G.F., after s-surendering to protect m-me and Aarons l-lives. (she says very softly)

Zane: Kawaii-chan please you need your rest.

(Lucinda Runs out of the room with tears running down her cheecks.)

__________________10 minutes later____________________________


(Lucinda wipes away her tears and puts on a brave face, she then comes back into the room where Aphmau is telling Aaron that she dosent want to die as she slowly closes her eyes and passes on)

Everyone: Cries*

Lucinda: *Goes back into room and crys about loosing Aphmau, but more so about loosing Mellissa* I could have saved her. I should have tried harder. I should have been better. Im not good enough. *sings there song*

Lucinda: I cant just sit here. Mellissa wouldent have wanted that. She would have wanted me to be strong. Wait I have an idea. *Grabs staff then tuns to aphmaus body*

Zane: What are you doing?

Lucinda: Im going to try and save aphmau or at  very least sterilize her body. By the way where is Aaron.

Zane: He went to get revenge.

Lucinda: ...

Lucinda: Cries and hugs Kawaii-chan, Zane, and Kim.

(Lucinda dose the spell and Aphmau regains consciousness)

Lucinda: Oh my Irean, It worked.

Aphmau: H-huh, what happened?

(Everything is explained, they make a plan to save Aaron and get home) 

____________________Time Skip__________________________________

Injured, tired, and scared everyone who survived the disaster went home. On the way hom Lucinda couldent help but cry. She was missing Mellissa the most she had at this point. It had finally sat in that she would never see Mellissa again. She went into the bathroom and cried. Aphmau herd the crying and followed her in while Aaron was asleep. 

Aphmau: Lucinda.. can I come in?

Lucinda: S-sure*cries*

Aphmau: Whats wrong?

Lucinda: Its nothing Aphmau.

Aphmau: Lucinda if your crying theres definitely something wrong.

Lucinda: Its nothing, really. I mean look at Aaron he lost his entire family. I shoudlent be the one crying I dont have it as bad as him.

Aphmau: Your feelings count too Lucinda. No matter how hard you had it.

Lucinda: Thank you Aphmau. (Still crying)  I j-just lost the most important person to me. Its hard.

Aphmau: sits quietly and listens*

Lucinda: I lost my girlfriend on that island. 

Aphmau:* Looks in shock* You had a Girlfriend. (She had forgotten about what she saw in Lucinda's room weeks prior) Who? When? Why did I not know about this?

Lucinda: Mellissa, We made it official just days before the first raid but, I wasent ready to tell anyone just yet. I was scared of what everyone would think but I guess now the cat is oit of the bag huh.

Aphmau: *Hugs lucinda* I no what your going through. This is how I felt when I thought I lost Aaron forever. Before He was able to get medical treatment. Right now your probably feeling that you could have done more or you wernt strong enough, but I promis it will get better. 

Lucinda: Thank you Aphmau, but heres the difference Mellissa is dead and I wasent there to stabilize her body until she could get help. Aarons still here with you to heal with you I dont have her anymore. Shes in a bag until we get home to put her in the ground where I will never see her but only a grave stone we leave for her. 

Aphmau: I know Lucinda. Ill give you time and when your ready please come talk to me. Ill be sitting next to Aaron if you need me and maybe you will be able to talk to Aaron. You could help heal each other maybe even become really close friends.

Lucinda: Id like that thank you Aphmau and Ill come talk to you when im ready, okay.

Aphmau: Okay.

_____________________________Time skip__________________________

After a little bit more time Lucinda came out of the bathroom and talked to Aphmau and Aaron. She spent quite a while talking to Aaron slowly helping heal herself and him.  She also came out of the closet as Pan. Everyone supported her very much, especially Kaitlyn who was part of the LGBT community herself. They got home and held funerals for those whom where lost. Aphmau and Aaron got married. Zane and NaNa made there relationship officiall. Kaitlyn and Travis also made an official realtionship. Lastly Lucinda and Aaron helped heal each other after the tramatic experience of loosing his sister and her girlfriend.

The end 


I hope you enjoyed this story and hey check out my other storys for ships if you dont see your ship its probably coming in the future I plan on doing 1 for every ship I know about. Even 1-2 that include ein unfortunately but hey thats my goal so imma do it.Stay tuned for your ship. Follow me and check back frequently to see if it has arrived! Im open to requests, so hit me up! Bye! 👋🏽 

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