Be mine

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It's been multiple weeks since the "sick" day they had and now Lucinda and Mellissa have been hanging out a lot more. Lucinda has seen more Mellissa than everyone else even Aphmau and Aaron in past few weeks. Mellissa has seen more Lucinda in the past few weeks than anyone else in the past few years. ( that's beacuse Lucinda kind of does her own thing most of the time) Tonight is going to be huge for the both of them. 

Lucinda: Hey  Mellissa you wanna go out to dinner or stay inside and watch Netflix?

Mellissa: Dinner sounds good. 

Lucinda: okay.

_______________At Dinner_____________________________________

(While they are eating Lucinda brings up there relationship)

Lucinda: Mellissa...

Mellissa: Ya?

Lucinda: Ive been having a really great time with you during the past few months.

Mellissa: Ive been having a great time to.

Lucinda: I was wondering would you like to make it official?

Mellissa: You mean like I become your girlfriend?

Lucinda: Yes.

Mellissa: Oh my Irean, YES ABSOLUTELY.

Lucinda: Can we keep it a secret a while longer please I dont no what our friends will think about it. I know that Aphmau for sure will be supportive but, Im just ready to tell people yet. I mean only Aphmau and maybe Aaron really  know anything is going on between us at all. Everyone else dosent know or thinks we are friends. 

Mellissa: I understand Lucinda and I can respect that. We can say something when ever your ready.

Lucinda: This is why I love you Mellissa. Your so kind and understanding. 

Mellissa: Really? I just thought you loved my lips. (says jokingly then makes a kissy face)

Lucinda: *rolls eyes* Oh Mellissa. (wispsrs to self, that too)

(They finish eating, pay the bill and go outside)

Mellissa: Lucinda... (she turns to lucinda)

Lucinda: What?

(Mellissa grabs her and gives her a big kiss)

Mellissa: Okay lets go back to the house.

Lucinda: *laughs* That was random but, ya lets get back.

(They are now dating and they are happy until....)

Deaths Kiss (Melissa X Lucinda)Where stories live. Discover now