When I met you

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          It was a beautiful sunny day at Starlight.  The sand was warm and the water was crystal blue. Mellissa and NaNa were trying to track down Aaron and Aphmau, and Lucinda was sun bathing on the beach. Mellissa and NaNa ran past Lucinda but in there rush Mellissa triped on Lucinda's chair and fell right onto Lucinda's lap.

Mellissa: Oops sorry, wait don't I recognize you from somewhere?

Lucinda: That's quite all right and yes, you do. I'm Aphmaus friend, Lucinda. 

Mellissa: Oh that's right. Sorry again for falling on you, anyway gotta go. kawaii~chan must not have seen me fall. Bye 

Lucinda: Wait I dident catch your name

        (By time Lucinda had asked Mellissa had already raced off)

Lucinda's POV:

Man, she was really cute. *blushes* OMG, am I blushing. This dosent feel right. I have felt this way since.... him. No, no, no, this dosent make any since I'm not, then why do I have all of these feelings rushing through me so quickly. Am I in love? I can't be I'm straight, or at least I think I am. I mean I've never felt this way, especially towards a girl. Her hands were so soft. Her face so smooth. *Shakes* Maybe I should take some quizzes online.

(She goes on her phone and takes a buzz feed quiz, She gets Pan)

You know these boozzfeed quizzes aren't the most accurate things in the world. Why do I feel this way towards her. Ugg maybe I just needs some rest.

 (Lucinda gets up from her chair and goes to her room, puts on her Pajamas, and goes to sleep)

Mellissa's POV:

Darn it, I can't believe that we lost Aphmau and Aaron. I still feel bad though. I can't belive I fell on Lucinda. *blushes*It was so embarrassing. It dident help that when I looked up at her I turned red as a tomato. She was so cute. Her body was warm and I could have stayed laying there longer if I wasn't chasing Aphmau and Aaron and I wasn't so embarrassed. Wait hold up am I crushing on Lucinda right now. Guess I am but, who wouldn't.  She is amazing. Just thinking about her is making me blush. *Shakes head* I need to stop thinking about her I'm going out with everyone tonight. I just have to hope Lucinda won't come. I don't want to be a tomato tonigh.

 _________________________Time skip_______________________________

Lucinda never showed up because she was still asleep. (her  schedule  had changed a lot since getting to starlight) Mellissa wandered back after having a few to many drinks that night. She ended up going into Lucinda's room instead of her own. (They are right next to each other) Mellissa took her shirt and pants off and laid down right next to Lucinda without either of them noticing. 

______________________________The next morning_______________________

They both wake up and happen to turn on there opposite side. They open there eyes and scream. 


Melissa: I have no clue. Maybe I wandered in here after I had a few to many drinks.

(Lucinda Looked at what Melissa was wearing and blushed)

Lucinda: We dident do anything last night we? 

Mellissa: I don't think so! (she said,  frantically trying to cover herself up)

Lucinda: Good because I'm not..

Mellissa: S-same.. (she looks at the ground)

Lucinda: I never caught your name.

Mellissa: oh right it's mellissa. 

(At that moment Aaron walked in thinking about how he was going to wake Lucinda because it was his turn to do so. He walked in and saw Mellissa and Lucinda covered in the bed blanket , he gives Mellissa a you must have had fun kinda look)

Mellissa: Nothing happened Aaron! 

Aaron: Suuuuure nothing happened, okay bye! 

(he runs off like he is going to tell everyone)

Mellissa: AARON YOU BETTER NOT SAY ANYTHING! Lucinda I'm so sorry.  I'll go now

Lucinda: wait, don't go! There are to many people out there they will see you coming out of here wrapped in a blanket and think something happened. Just wait it out here okay.

Mellissa: Good idea

(They look at each other and blush)

______________________________Time Skip_____________________

At breakfast Mellissa and Lucinda sit on opposite ends of the table. They can't help blushing every time they look up. Aaron sees this and give Mellissa a kissy face like a child. 

Aphmau: You to haven't touched your food. Are you guys okay? 

Mellissa: When we vot home last night I went into the... living room and saw Lucinda not looking so well so I took care of her for a bit.. I think I caught what she has...

Lucinda: ya not feeling the greatest today. 

Aphmau: Well if you aren't feeling so good maybe you two should just go rest up for a bit. 

Mellissa: That sounds like a great idea

Lucinda: Ya why don't me and Mellissa go to my room and stay there until we are healthy again since mine is bigger and we can keep the sickness in 1 place. 

Mellissa: That sounds like a great Idea


I no this chapter is long but next one comming REALLY soon

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