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T: hey! It's Trixie. Had a lot of fun the other night. I was wondering if you'd like to meet up again sometime.

Trixie immediately felt nervous about sending the text. An exclamation point? In the first message? Are you trying to look desperate, Tracy? Trixie's head shot up when her phone pinged.

K: hey Trixie! I'd love to see you again! When are you free?

Katya felt a rush of warmth when she saw who had messaged her, and she felt even better knowing that Trixie wanted to see her again, but she didn't want to get her hopes up, in case the girl was looking for a friend rather than a partner.

Trixie immediately answered Katya's message.

T: I have to check my work schedule, I'll let you know as soon as I can?!

K: perfect!

Trixie sighed as she looked at Katya's response. She wished their conversation could have lasted longer, but she was too afraid of seeming clingy to take it any further. She hummed happily as she tidied her apartment and got ready for bed, still thinking of Katya until she drifted off to sleep.


It was 4:38am. And Katya was thinking about her. She felt childish, she'd only met Trixie once, and yet she couldn't get Trixie off her mind. She eventually got out of bed, and made herself a late night snack. She was happy that she had spare time in the day prior to get groceries for her home. She thought it might be embarrassing to have a potential lover over to an empty house.

She curled up on her sofa and turned on the television, intending to get her mind off of Trixie, but she found herself enthralled in a romance movie, thinking of her until she drifted off.

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