Meeting With the Mayor

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Steeping into the grand sized hall, Lina and Doon walk slowly in silence.

"Lina, the reason I came to see you the other day was so I could ask you if u wanted to, erm, go out with me," shyly, Doon looks away from Lina. In grade 4 they nearly stopped being friends. It became known as the "never to happen again lamppost incident". Lina looked over at her best friend, standing by her side closely, stunned.

"Really?" Lina was considering the answer but knew that somewhere deep in her heart, she always knew.

"Yeah, of course!" Lina smiles at him when their eyes connect. Doon smiles full heartedly at his favourite friend that he has grown to care for as more than a friend. At this moment, the pair find themselves in front of the mayors office and go in after being shown in by the guard.

"Mayor Cole? We found the exit to Ember," Lina proudly states. Doon stays out of the light as he doesn't like the mayor. He was once caught taking food from the store room for himself and since then, people have been careful of him and tried not to depend on him so much.

"Really? Do you have proof?" The mayor says to the pair before him. Lina marches over to his desk and pulls out the pieced together instructions. After a few moments of inspection, the mayor questions them.

"Are you sure these are real?" The mayor has to insure the Emberites remain safe so of course precaution must be taken.

"Yes! We can show you if you like!" The excitement showed in Lina's voice.

"Very well then, show me now and an announcement can be made tonight."

Later that day, Lina, Doon and the mayor stood before the people of Ember.

"An exit has been found! We must pack bags and leave in the morning. all those able to travel must meet back here tomorrow morning and hour after lights on!" Shouts the mayor to the joyous crowd.

"We did it Beana! We saved our people!" Doon whispers into Lina's ear. She turns around to face him, slightly shocked at how close he is to her. Doon smiles down at Lina who is about 3 inches smaller than himself. The pair get lost in each others eyes that they don't notice their relatives in the crowd looking at them, on the mayors podium, in awe. It isn't until the mayor looks at them and laughs that the whole city sees them and the lovebirds notice a silence. Simultaneously, they look over at the city and blush as wolf whistles start up. Not only do they like each other, but the whole city likes them!.

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