Chapter 6

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Ari followed Mal into the girls' restroom, where she found the purple haired girl looking at something...

"Hey" Ari greeted causally, making Mal quickly turn around in surprise and hid the thing behind her back. 

"Hey" Mal greeted causally back. 

"So," Ari tried starting off with a simply conversation. "I'm guessing you're the kind of girl that likes tricks, trouble... spells?..."

Mal looked deceitful, but denied. "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"I saw what you did to Jane's hair..." Ari said, eyeing Mal's spell book behind her back. 

Mal remained quiet while looking at the fire princess of Arendelle. 

"Look, I need a favor..." Ari then said, still eyeing Mal's spell book. 

"And why should I do anything for you?" The daughter of Maleficent scowled a bit at Ari since she was a hero and she was a villain.  

Ari sighed a little, before offering Mal her hand. "Ever heard of a friend helping a friend?"

Mal just scoffed. "Pfft. I don't need any friends"

"Look," Ari started. "You and I have something in common. We both can do magic..." 

"...And I want mine taken away" Ari then said, closing her eyes with her head down. 

This surprised Mal very much that someone like Ari actually wanted to get rid of her powers. But it then gave the sneaky VK some thought to this. 

"I can help you" Mal told Ari, getting an idea. "But for a price" 

"Of course" Ari thought to herself. 

"I'll help you... only after you help us steal Fairy Godmother's magic wand. We could use your magic to help us out" Mal said in a sneaky villain-like manner. 

Ari gasped in great shock. The Fairy Godmother's magic wand was one of the most powerful things in all of Auradon. If the villains got a hold of it, they would control everything and everyone. 

"And why are you telling me this?" Ari became suspicious of the VK's behavior. "Why would I even do a thing like that?"

Mal then flashed one of those sneaky smiles and said something very strange and innocently to the fiery princess. 

"...You seem trustworthy" 

The two girls then seemed to have this stare off with each other for a few moments in silence. When finally, Ari spoke...

"I guess I was mistaken about you..." she said, changing her mind on Mal's offer then left the girl's restroom. 

Meanwhile, back in the dorms~

The adventure kids were in their dorm, discussing over their thoughts on what possible things the VKs were up to behind their backs, until Ari came in.

"Hey, Ari" They greeted with smiles. "How was your day?" they asked her. 

"Oh, um... fine" The fiery princess of Arendelle replied blankly, less lively and bubbly then she normally was and headed over to sit down on one of the beds. 

The way how she responded to them left the adventure kids a little suspicious, like there was something she knew that they didn't. But they didn't think too much into it and continued on with their theories to try and figure out what the VKs were planning.  

For starters, they didn't like the way how Jane was behaving ever since Mal changed her hair. Now every girl at the school wanted their hair done longer by Mal. Jane and Lonnie, Mulan's daughter even ripped their skirts which surprised the adventure kids. 

Ari glanced over and listen to the adventure kids time to time, but she was also lost in thought thinking about her gifted powers and the problems she's developed dealing with them. 

She remembered how her Aunt Elsa had told her she used to always have problems with her powers. But, she had her sister and friends there to help her get through. 

But Ari was still a little worried she might lose control over her magic. Some of the students were even terrified of her because of it. 

"I still say we can't trust them!" David suddenly burst out, talking about the VKs. 

Ben had come to the adventure kids earlier saying he tried talking to the VKs, telling them how they were all invited to his coronation. The twins even mentioned after Ben left, they snuck through the air vents into the VK's rooms to see if they could hear anything suspicious but failed. 

"Speaking of which, has anyone seen the VKs?" Teeders asked. 

"I heard from Lonnie they were in the kitchen making cookies" Ann mentioned. "And they seemed a bit, weird about it"

"Hmmm..." Kali thought. "What are they up too?"

"Ah, don't worry about it, guys" Cynthia told her friends, not really seeming to care about the issue here. "Meanwhile, I still have nothing to wear to the coronation" she complained. 

The rest of the adventure kids then looked over, all giving their fashionista friend that annoyed look. 

"Us!" Cynthia corrected. "I mean 'us'" 

The other adventure kids couldn't help but think that their friend Cynthia was just like Evie. 

Albert then suddenly appeared out of nowhere next to Ari on the bed, which startled the princess a little. 

It looked like he had something to say, but...

"Get out!" Cynthia and the other adventure kids all ordered him. 

Al just shrugged his shoulders before disappearing without a chance to say anything, while the kids sighed and continued their work until they went to bed for the night. 

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