International Affairs (preview)

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I'm starting a new book called International Affairs. I hope you guys like it! I'll have the first chapter out ASAP.
I'm afraid. I've never been so afraid in my life. This is why I stopped messing around in international affairs,  and yet,  I've found myself here again. If I don't find a way to resolve this situation they're gonna kill my family and everyone I know.
I guess I should probably introduce myself,  huh? My name's Allison. Allison Right. I'm currently waiting on word from my partner on what to make as our next move. Just as I stand up the phone rings. Because of You blasts throughout the otherwise silent room.
"I'm here,  what'd ya find?"
"Well, it's not pretty."
"It never is."
"They've gotten into the system. They know who you are. They know your family. They know all your friends."
"You changed all the information before they could access it,  right?"
A pause. "Most of it."
"What do you mean 'most of it'?!"
"They've got your house. He's not safe."
"Is there anyone they don't know?"
"What about international?"
"I hadn't thought about that."
"Get him on a flight to Anderson."
I hang up with my partner and immediately dial Anderson's number.
"Do you know?"
"Know what?"
"About the trouble."
"No one has phoned me about any trouble until now."
"Well we need your help."
"Who's we?"
"Jeff, please."
"You know I don't like him but I have to help you cause I still can't get over how beautiful you are. "

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