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Today is the day Danny starts his week long visit here in Virginia. I'm so excited to finally be able to hug my bestest friend. Timmy is happy that I'm excited.
We decided to meet at the park. I sort him before he spots us. "Dannyyyyyyy!" I run up to him but stop short. There is someone walking next to him that I recognize. Timmy finally catches up with me.
"Who's that with him?" Timmy asks me.
"That's- Andrew..."
"What does he want?"
"I think we're about to find out."
Danny and Andrew finally walk up to us. "Hey Allie, hey Timmy."
"How many times have I told you to just call me Tex, Daniel?"
"Hey, you always let me call you Allie."
I let out an exasperated sigh. Timmy extends his hand out to me and I take it. I squeeze Timmy's hand out if nervousness and agitation. It progressively gets tighter.
"Ow. Ow, ow, ow." Timmy yanks his hand away and Andrew lets out a small laugh while Danny giggles a bit.
"Sorry baby."
Andrew's expression darkens.
"It's ok. I'm just glad that isn't the hand I need for bowling."
"Doesn't he play games and hack?"
"Ah, so the devil speaks." I relay in a sarcastic tone towards Andrew.
"We need to have a word Noelle."
I hate that he had to use my real name.
"About what?"
"Not here. Away from him."
"He is my boyfriend. Not you anymore."
"You don't know how much that fucking hurts when you say that!"
"Actually Andrew, I do. You told me goodbye. Do you know how painful that was? I wanted us to still be friends!"
Danny has taken Timmy away from the two of us.
"I cry every time I hear your name. I used to be a complete bitch. When I started dating you I saw all the good in people."
"I thought you actually cared about me. You never did. That fucking hurts! I'm almost completely over it now though."
I can't stop the fresh hot tears that stream down my face. "I'm sorry I was a stupid bitch. I'd take it all back if I could. You don't need to apologize. It's my wrongs."
"I could have reacted better. I was stupid to say some of the things I did."
I let out a small laugh followed by a snivelling gasp. "I was more stupid."
Andrew looks at me curiously. By now Timmy has rushed back over after seeing me in distress.
I smile at the look on Andrew's face.
"You didn't hurt her, did you?" A warning tone takes residence in Timmy's voice.
"Baby, I'm fine. We were just talking."
He turns to look at me at the sound of my voice. He nods to Andrew, an understanding and an apology.
Timmy has a tendency to pounce at anything that is a potential threat to me.
Danny joins our group again too.
"Can we all be friends?"
Timmy kisses my cheek. "Anything you want baby."
"I suppose as long as he stops doing that around me!" Andrew sputters out.
Danny laughs at us all and squeezes us in one giant hug. "Yay! All my friends are back together!"

But not for long...

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