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Del: How about for a prompt you and Timmy are at your new apartment watching a movie and you hear a crash come from the kitchen window... you can take it from there.
Thank you to my amazing friend Del for giving me a prompt for my writing!

I walk out of our new room completely exhausted from unpacking everything and moving boxes. I stop in the hall to wipe a few strands of hair out of my eyes. A pair arm strong arms wrap me in a warm embrace from behind. A smile plays it's way across my face.
"Hey baby."
"Hi Timmy."
"Want to take a break?"
"What did you have in mind?"
He turns me to face him. Even in the dimming evening light it's as if he contains the ocean in his eyes. It makes me smile more.
Timmy leans in and kisses me. "Me, you, and whatever you want to watch on Netflix?"
I giggle quietly and he smiles. "Sounds like a plan."
He walks into the living room and sits on the far right end of the couch. I take my spot next to him, cuddling up close.
"Whatcha wanna watch then?"
"The Day After Tomorrow?"
"Again?" Timmy asks me as I giggle uncontrollably next to him while nodding. I bury my face into his chest trying to stop. He just shakes his head, starting to laugh as well.
At least I have a favorite movie, so it's what we watch. Ten minutes into the movie we hear a crash. It startles me and I pop up from the position I had sifted into. Timmy puts a hand on my shoulder as we listen for it. A minute passes with nothing so I change positions to lay with my head in his lap.
Another crash resonates through our new apartment and he pauses the movie. There is definitely something wrong.
"Did you leave the window open in the kitchen?"
He looks at me with a mix of shock and horror on his face.
"I'm going to take that as a yes Mr. LaBelle."
We both get up slowly and creep towards the kitchen. He grabs a box cutter along the way. We both turn into the kitchen doorway to see no intruder.
I take a few steps further into the kitchen and close the window. As I close the window I hear a crash from behind me and as a pan hits the floor. I jump and turn to face the source of the noise.
A little kitten clings to the edge of the counter on the island.
"Awwww! It's so cute!"
Timmy finally steps all the way into the kitchen. "She is kinda cute. Just like you."
I pick up the kitten and roll my eyes at him. "Stop it."
He walks over to me. "Whatre we gonna do?"
"Can we keep her?"
He stands silent for a moment.
"Yes, of course baby, if that's what you want."
"I want to keep the adorable little kitty!"
Timmy smiles as I cuddle with my new little buddy.
"So what're you going to name her?"
"What are we going to name her?!" I honestly hadn't thought of it at the moment.
"How about Crash? That's how we found her."
"Well then Crash it is. My little kitty Crash."
We take Crash and go back to our movie with her cuddled in between us. I pet my adorable little kitty while he runs his hands through my hair.
His touch feels so good and I can feel myself drifting until I finally crash.

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