Ch. 10 - Painful Pleasures

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Ch. 10 - Painful Pleasures -


Hunter herded Raven through the front door and her jaw may as well've hit the floor. The beautiful log home looked nothing like a fairy tale on the inside.

Dark grey carpet accented crimson red walls and wooden beam ceilings, but that's not what caught Raven's attention. Knives and ninja stars jutted out from the walls, along with the occasional bullet hole; the caliber varying. Paraphernalia of all kinds littered broken and torn furnishings in the living space. Left over white powder lines laid out on top of a central coffee table with a corner leg jutting out at a dangerously awkward angle. Pills of all shapes, sizes, and colors were scattered around the floor along with empty liquor bottles, some of which were broken, and other random junk.

Raven, against her natural instinct, carefully stepped in further to find a seat. Her plans were halted after noticing a used syringe between the ripped chair cushions, the needle pointing straight up as if it were a trap set just for her.

"Make yourself at home." Ghost told her while he set to work recutting the lines of cocaine, "Want one?" he offered.

"Umm, no. I don't do drugs." she replied nervously.

"You do here." Shadow informed her while taking a seat opposite Ghost.

"Maybe just some juice then?" Hunter offered.

Before waiting for a reply Hunter went towards what she assumed to be the kitchen. Ghost quickly stopped making lines and followed him, leaving Raven behind with Shadow.

"So, what are you making her?" Ghost quietly asked Hunter once they were alone in the destroyed kitchen, "Screwdriver?"

"Nothing so noticeable." Hunter replied. After a moment of silence he continued, "Here's some advice from the wise; pulpy orange juice will cover the appearance and texture of crushed pills."

"Nice." Ghost nodded.

Ghost grabbed a beer from the fridge and went back towards his precious, powdery lines. Moments later, he yelled for Hunter. Leaving the drink behind and six partially crushed colorful pills, he half jogged into the other room to find Shadow and Raven having a heated argument.

"What the hell is going on now?" Hunter yelled over top of their incoherent bickering.

"Our home isn't good enough for Princess here." Shadow answered sarcastically.

"I didn't say that," Raven interjected, "I just asked why you throw things in random places instead of using a garbage can. There's glass and needles everywhere! It's a safety hazard and I'm honestly surprised any of you are still alive." she sassed knowingly before turning to Hunter, "Especially you, Mr. Monster. Tell me, how would you know if you accidentally cut an artery somewhere on one of the blades in the walls? Before or after you bleed out?"

There was a moment of silence while Hunter just folded his arms and grinned. Raven was being outspoken, the way he watched her be with Davy. The way he envied.

"I think you should make yourself useful while you're here and clean up the place if it's so terrible." Shadow hissed.

"I'm not your maid!" Raven yelled back, snowballing another screaming match between the two and ruining Hunter's short time of bliss.

"My fucking god!" Hunter bellowed over them, "I can't leave you guys alone for two cursed fucking seconds!"

"I think it's a good idea," Ghost pipped in, "It'd be nice to have a clean house."

"Let's put it to a vote." Shadow offered, "I say the bitch cleans."

"I say no!" Raven retorted.

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