And So it Begins

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The fox monster that got toppled over on their first day walked into the catacombs, yawning a bit. "So, practice is in here today? Any reason?"

"It's a concert, Devion." Operetta laughed a bit.

Devion backed away a bit, glancing around. "Oh no... not a-"

"Party!!" Holt shouted excitedly.

Marklin walked over and held a hand to Devion. "Hi, my name is Marklin."

And Devion ran away screaming.

"Sorry about him, sugar." Operetta said. "He's even more against parties than you and me."

Holt huffed. "You all are just no fun."

"He's lucky, he got to run away." Marklin said putting his hand down at his side.

Operetta laughed. "Ain't that the truth." She looked to where the fox monster ran off. "Devion isn't really part of the band; he's more of a roadie than anything."

"Alright." Marklin looked at their equipment. "We could really use him right now though."

Operetta nodded in agreement. Holt shouted, "Yeah, if HE WASN'T SUCH A BABY!"

"EXCUSE ME!?" Devion came running back in. "I'm sorry, but i don't like people!"

"Pfft, I bet you couldn't make it through the night because you're too scared of- oh no- social interaction!" Holt mocked.

Devion growled. "Oh, it's on!"

Marklin stepped away from the feuding monsters.

Devion huffed. "Let's just get this thing over with." he then proceeded to help set everything up.

Soon enough, they were done.

"Well, when is the party starting?" Marklin asked, wanting to die, but nervously.

The doors opened, and the place was suddenly crowded by monsters.

Running, the band reached the stage. They all picked up their instruments, nervously Marklin took the Microphone, then he got a little bravery. "Ready to rock MONSTER HIGH!" Marklin yelled, throwing an arm into the sky.

The crowd cheered wildly. Holt and Operetta grinned as they looked to Marklin.

"My name is Marz- Marklin and we are the Ro-" Marklin turned to the band, "What's our name." He whispered.

The other two looked at each other and shrugged.

Marklin turned and just yelled the first thing on his mind. "And we are 'The Outcasts of Miscreation!'"

The crowd cheered as they started their first song, Holt taking off his headphones as soon as the music started.


Kathie buzzed awkwardly in a corner.

Clawdeen nervously glanced at her from the snack table. Draculaura giggled a bit. "Go on!"

Clawdeen glanced at her friend, eyes showing slight fear before she walked towards Kathie.

"Hey." She awkwardly said.

"Hi." Kathie shuffled a little, and she pulled out a little flower. "Timmy said I should give this to you."

"O-Oh! Thanks!" Clawdeen took the flower, feeling her face heat up a bit.

"It's not as pretty as you though, should have gone with a penoy."

Clawdeen's face went completely red.

"Well, you want to, dance or something." Kathie said to the floor.

"Y-Yeah!" Clawdeen quickly grabbed Kathie's arm, pulling her to the dancefloor.


Valentine cruised on in, if this was a party for love maybe it would work for him as well.

"What do we have here?" Valentine looked over his glasses at a skeleton hiding behind a pillar. "Well maybe if I get my karma aligned, I can get what I'm after too."

Valentine swizzled over to Jasper, who was trying to restick the tape covering missing bone to his face.

"Why, hello sugar, what's biting?" Valentine asked.

Jasper jumped, he looked at Valentine and the tape peeled off, he stuck it back on. "Uh, I was just leaving." Jasper went to leave but Valentine grabbed his arm.

"Hold on now, bone boy, I'm a little rusty on my love skills but something tells me that what really fills your heart is right at this little ol' party, I can smell it so strong it makes my fangs water." Valentine said strongly, Jasper looked at him.

"Uhh, I'm not looking for just one fun night." Jasper squaked.

Valentine took off his glasses and held the bridge of his nose. "No darling, if you haven't heard my name is Valentine, and you better believe that I brought that mushy love holiday into style."

"Oh." Jasper looked around. "Then you could at least tell me that I can leave because I'll never find love, huh."

"Quite the opposite, sweetheart," Valentine pulled Jasper to look up at the stage. "Your shimmering siren of furry courage and sweetness is waiting right up there, and I'm going to help you bite off a little piece of his heart."

"You mean, we are compatible?" Jasper asked.

"Honey in three minutes of just being together you will be inseparable for the rest of eternity, first things first." Valentine ripped the tape off Jasper's face, causing him to squeak. "Be yourself."

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