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[Just to put it into a bit of context, we tried to frame it like a Monster High movie, so there will be Frankie dialogue in the beginning and end.]

Often times, we try to run away from how we feel or who we are.

The truth is that finding your place can be hard.

Everyone feels as if they don't fit in at some point in their lives, and sometimes it's just too hard to try to fit in.

We separate ourselves because we think we're all different.

The question is, what really brings us all together?


"And so I was like 'that top definitely doesn't go with those boots' and then she was like 'what do you mean plaid don't work with floral print?' can you believe it?" The vampire dawned in pink and black named Draculaura waved her hands around almost crazily. Clawdeen Wolf and Cleo DeNile glanced to each other.

"Ghouls!" Frankie Stein ran up to them, literally sparking with excitement. "You'll never believe this!"

"What is it, Frankie?" Cleo questioned, glad that she didn't have to try to understand Draculaura's quick and energetic stories.

"We're getting a new teacher today!" Frankie squealed. "And possibly new students too!"

"Oh, really?" Clawdeen looked up from her mirror, her eyes showing a bit of excitement. "Do you think the new teacher will teach something cool? Like fashion design!?"

"Or makeup tutorials?" Draculaura quickly added in.

"Or showing peasants how to actually treat royalty." They all looked to Cleo. "What?"

"Regardless, I'm sure our new teacher will be fun." Frankie smiled.

Clawdeen's ears perked up. "That's new."

"It must be them!" Frankie shouted, and suddenly almost everyone was running out to the front of the school, running over a fox monster that just wanted to go to his locker.

A old car pulled up, bright pink, teal and with extra chrome. Stopping in front of the school it settled down for a second idling, the lights turned off and it grew quiet as the car was cut power. The drivers door opened.

Out stepped a Siren, scales sparkling down her cheeks in the same iridescent tones as the sunglasses she wore. Looking around she adjusted her tie and her shirt, pulling a coat from the car she hung it over her shoulder. Looking back over her shoulder she looked at the students piling on the front stairs to the school, she removed her glasses from her deep honey and brown eyes; she smirked.

From the backseat, two teens struggled out, bags on body and tired eyes. Both adorne tails, fins, and the same iridescent scales as the woman. However one had large fluffy ears and a desitinct tone of brown fur over her skin, the other had more siren like features even with a fluffy tail, and sported many more scales, and a over all pink look.

Suddenly from the front seat, a small boy with freckled skin and hair jumped out, he was nearly 5 however he had no scales, and no fins, not even hair where it wasn't supposed to be, he looked fishy.

"Is that... a normie?" Manny Taur breathed out as the rest of the students stared in shocked curiosity.

"Huh?" A teen normie peeked out from behind Manny, looking just as shocked as the rest, perhaps even more.

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