Chapter 9: Secret Hobby

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Chapter 9: Secret Hobbies

"Do you really have to go? I hoped to get to know you a bit better." Toriel gives me a sad smile as I near the front door. After papyrus had left I waited for a few minutes before announcing that I had to go.

"Yeah, sorry Toriel. Maybe we could get coffee together sometime, hm?" This seems to brighten her mood a bit as her eyes begin to sparkle.

"I would love that. Also are you sure you don't want a ride home?"

"I live really close, but thank you!" I stand up on my tippy toes and give her a big hug, which she quickly returns. She smells really nice, like vanilla.

"I can't wait to see you again (Y/n)." She says when we pull apart. She gives me one final smile then walks back over to the kitchen. Sans pokes his head out of the kitchen and waves before disappearing again.

"Hey, don't forget that training we planned with Sans!" Alphys reminds with a toothy grin and a pat on the back.

"Y-you'll have to w-wear a-a disguise.. s-sorry." Undyne adds nervously.

"Yeah I know, I've got it under control. I'll see y'all then." I turn to asgore who was sitting on the couch with Cozzy stretched out across his lap. I click my tongue which makes Cozzy jump off Asgores lap and rush over to me. I scoop him up and wrap him around my neck. Then I wave to Asgore and exit the house.

When I get down to the edge of the driveway I glance both ways; I'm vastly disappointed when I can't see Papyrus. He probably teleported. I hoped I would be able to see where he was going in such a hurry, and so suddenly.

"I guess we are heading home.." I mutter dejectedly; then turn right and begin the short walk back home. "Wish I could shape shift." I say as I begin to pet Cozzys soft cheek. He meows softly then begins purring in response. Hopefully it won't take long to regenerate my magic.

(Tiny time skip boi)

I was halfway up the mountain when I'm snapped out of my thoughts. I could smell something.. a scent that brought back memories. I glance around and find no source of the smell. Then someone further up the path sighs heavily. I hurry my pace a bit, but freeze when I catch sight of him.

What was he doing here? Here of all places? I watch as he takes a deep puff on his cigarette, then exhales a white cloud of smoke. I.. I remember when we were close, I would sit and watch him smoke. Watch the smoke enter his invisible organs, then come back up and twirl around his eye sockets. I shake the thoughts away then glare at his orange hoodie covered back.

He was walking very fast, almost a jog, but I kept up. Every couple of minutes he would pause and take a quick glance around as if he felt my presence, or perhaps he was just very paranoid and cautious. We made it all the way up the mountain in record time. He enters the cave at the top and I stay behind for a moment before sneaking in. When I reach the hole in the ground with no Papyrus in sight I realize he must have teleported; but where too?

I summon a small set of plain white wings and drift down to the bottom of the chasm. I could smell him the second I reached the ground. He must be walking through the ruins. I hurry after him. He had picked up his pace, and I wasn't sure what was so important. He made it through the ruins in 5, then, to my surprise, turned and made his way towards the old abandoned village.

I followed him all the way back to my old house. He knocked on the door. Once. Twice. Three times. Then he sighs, and shakes his head. Was he looking for me?

"snowy.." he sits down on the floor, and leans against the door. "Is it possible that I would be lucky enough to find you again?" He smokes the last bit of his cigarette, then tosses the bud aside. I hate when he does that. Surprisingly, he looks at it guiltily, then stands up, walks over to it, and picks it up. "nah." Then he teleports away. Now he could really be anywhere. I glance around nervously, then come out of hiding and approach the house. I hadn't been here in months.

I open up the door, just inside there are several pieces of paper some folded neatly, others were the opposite. I glance over them and find they are letters from Sans and Papyrus, talking about the surface and how they hoped I would or have already gotten a chance to see it.  The one of the top of the pile was from papyrus, dated last week.


hey. it's been awhile. i used to come looking for you several times a week.. but i guess i got sick of being disappointed. i wonder.. where you are. who you have become since we last saw each other.. sans still talks about you sometimes. he misses you too.. i hope, someday, somewhere, we will meet again.

in hopes that you are actually reading this, i will tell you again that I will wait for you at grillbys. one night a week, all night. please.. come..


He was waiting for me? How long has he been doing this? I flip through the notes and find the first one dated days after we got to the surface. He waited for me. All this time. I feel guilty for taking so long to come back here. I make a mental note to visit this old cabin more often.

I stuff the papers in my jacket pockets then run out the door. I hurry back up the path, through the village, then take a short cut through the woods, stopping just outside grillbys. I could see him sitting at the bar through the glass door. He had honey in one hand, while the other hand held up his skull. He looked tired. Should I.. without even willing it to my body shifts into my monster form. Then as if I was a puppet my limbs moved, my body moved, I pushed open the door and then I was committed.

"P-Papyrus?" I ask in a shaky nervous voice. He was quickly on his feet, staring at me. His honey abandoned he walks over to me until he is a foot away, towering over me. His scent swirls around me, intoxicating. The harsh smell of cigarettes combined with the sweet scent of honey. I wanted to be closer. I wanted to smell more. I lean a bit closer, which he notices, as he smiles fondly. He reaches up and places his cold phalanges on my cheek.

"you're here. you're really here." He says quietly. Tears begin to well up in my eyes, and without thinking I reach forward and wrap my arms around him. Then burry my face in his orange hoodie.

"I'm so sorry!" I wail into his chest. He gently returns my hug.

"it's.. it's okay. i don't blame you." He says softly. I sniff and look up at him, tightening my grip. He smiles sadly down at me, then wipes away a stray tear from my cheek. "i just wish you would have talked to me instead of running away.." I sigh and hurry my face in his hoodie again.

"It's complicated." My voice was muffled, but he could probably hear the worry in my voice.

"you don't have to tell me. i just don't want it to stop us from being friends anymore." He responds weakly.

"Why would you want to be friend with someone who has to lie about everything?"

"because i don't think it's all lies. i have seen your mind.. everything is open except.. a small part. everyone has secrets." He sighs heavily. "even me."

(A/n): happy New Years! Hope you enjoyed this little chapter I put together for you :3
Just a little addition, Cozzy snuck into the bar and curled up in corner when you entered.. I just forgot to talk about it and I'm too lazy to go back and fix it lol


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