Chapter 1: Not Even A Secret

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The loud yelling of several other assorted monsters and humans roars through the air. Some are chanting, while other simply march about holding large signs. Today, I am among them, fighting for the rights we all deserve.

For me, the rights came naturally. I look human therefore to everybody else I am human. I could simply hide away in my quiet cabin in the woods below Mt Ebott, but it felt wrong. It felt wrong to not fight for the monsters I shared the underground with for so many years.

If I wanted to, I could be inside pleading my case, but I doubt I would do any good. If they felt the urge to run tests they would find I was not fully human and that would not be good. So I decided it was more logical to join the protesters outside the large court room.

I am snapped out of my thoughts as something heavy rams into my side and pushes me to the ground. "Wh-what?" I squeak.

"O-oh m-my gosh! A-Alphys!" A nervous feminine voice stutters out above me. I sit up and look up at the blue fish monster looking down at me as if petrified. Something yellow bounces up beside me and moves over to stand in front of Undyne.

"Are you okay?" I question the small yellow dinosaur who seems slightly shocked about the encounter. Her face screws up as if offended at the question.

"Am I okay?! Are you saying I'm WEAK?!" The Dino roars, reminding me of something from my past.

"N-no! I- I-" the fish monster cuts me off before I can continue.

"A-Alphys! Th-that's not wh-what she meant! A-apologize!" The fish commands in a shaky voice as she offers me a hand. She pulls me up to my feet, then let's go if my hand.

"Sorry, that you were in my way." Alphys, I'm guessing, mumbles the second part and I giggle.

"It's okay, I should have been watching where I was going." I respond calmly to the pair. It's silent and slightly awkward for a moment, so I break the silence by offering my hand. "I am (Y/n)" I tell them with a kind, but slightly nervous, smile.

"This is my girlfriend, Undyne, and Im Alphys!" She bellows and I'm taken aback, did she always speak so loud and proud? She roughly takes my hand and gives it a hearty shake, I try my best to seem unconcerned with my arm being practically ripped off. She seems pleased, as a huge toothy smile lights up her face.

"Ah you are dating! That's so sweet. You two look very good together." I turn to look around at all the monsters and humans moving about. The noise and the amount of living creatures here was starting to get to me. I would have to leave soon in order to keep my powers under control. "Hey listen, it was nice to meet you all but I really need to go.."

"Oh r-really? Wh-why?" Undyne suddenly speaks up and looks at me suspiciously, Alphys seems to notice undynes' mood because she narrows her eyes at me. Oh dear.

"Th-there's just a lot going on h-here and it's a little b-bit m-much for m-me." As I speak I begin to shake a bit and the chanting voices seem to grow louder. I feel the tingle of magic thrumming through my head and I fail to hold in a gasp. "S-sorry!" I shout as I run away from the lovely couple.

I feel terrible to leave so suddenly but as I run I feel my magic summon a pair of ears and tails brushes over the back of my thighs. With a squeak I throw my hands up to cover the ears on my head as I push through the huge crowd of monsters and people. Humans huff and spew curses while monster simply get out of my way.

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